B4J Tutorials

My B4J Packager - an extended version

This "My B4J Packager" started as the B4Jpackager provided by Erel. I have added the text entry fields for the extra things like, Menu Group, JavaVM Options (to set memory requirements)...


  • MyB4JPackager v2-01.zip
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[B4x]Google Authenticator OTP (others will do, too) complete example with code


  • GoogleAuthenticator.zip
    7.6 KB · Views: 453

Creating Excel Reports with jPOI - Part II

Report Pivot Table - Pivot Chart
Here in the part II of the tutorial I will present a solution including Pivot table and Pivot chart.

The attached screen shot - pivotcharttemplate.png -...

[ABMaterial] Creating a color grid container



Some thoughts are running in my head about implementing this for my color coded events management. So we have 21 colors. So me thinks a 7 row, 3 columns grid will do.


Companion thread to B4J Training Video 5 - Bridge Scripts

As promised in this the B4J Training Video about the Bridge, I am attaching the scripts for running the Bridge from Mac or Raspberry Pi (Linux):

1) Create a file called bridge.sh
2) Insert...
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[BANanoVuetifyAD3] Creating Server Applications with BANanoServer...


Update: 12 July 2021: Here is a working example with jRDC2 MySQL...


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B4J: Using RSA with OpenSSL & php

Here's an example B4J app which

- creates RSA Keys
- send the public key to a php script with a message
- the php will encrypt/decrypt/Send the server's keys
- concert/load the server's keys to...


  • RSAExampleB4J.zip
    3.2 KB · Views: 385

[BANano]: Distributing and accessing an existing SQLite Databases - Part 1

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[ABMaterial] Photo Viewer

In keeping with the PDF viewer layout, I created this page.

Driver Photos

Pictures are taken on the device at certain times (like when the Drive Screen pops up).
These are to show if the driver...

[ABMaterial] Raspberry Pi Service Setup

To install a service on a Raspberry Pi enabling start, stop, status and autostart an ABMaterial application.
The tutorial uses an ABMaterial v4.00 example application [to explore...
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[ABMaterial]: Theming Custom Components with CSS

Hi there

In one of my MashPlugIns components, I was asked if the components were theme-able. I have never really explored this in detail as some were just easy to theme using the css files...

How to create a StandAlone EXE without the OpenJAVA (OpenJDK)... an update for your app..

Well "@MrKim" had a wish... and talking about this... then an idea came into my mind... not a "super-duper" but a trick...
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[ABMaterial] New component ABMPivotTable in 1.08

ABMPivotTable allows the user to view data in a dynamic pivot table. It can answer quick questions that are e.g. not findable in a report. Note that it can only handle a couple of thousand...

[BANanoWebix] Lesson 7: Charts - Part 1


Fork it here...

Let me close off today with Lesson 7, that deals with the charts. Depicted here is not everything there is though. We will deal with mutliple type charts on same chart...
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[BANanoWebix] Lesson 15 Menus & Windows


This lesson covers 3 items being..

1. Menu
2. SideMenu
3. Window
4. Popup


1. The menu

This can be a vertical or horizontal menu that one can have and it can also have...

Mix text and icon on button and other nodes


Just recently a customer told me that my app was... boring... that it lacked some images, so after crying out loud i remember that we can put icons but i still needed the text.

so... Ta...

Beginning JQuery Mobile with OneEvery

Well, this is a proof of concept, nothing fancy...


The idea behind OneEvery is to explore JavaScript frameworks for developing websites/webapps. Whilst the Bootstrap exploration is...
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Switch to shutdown RPI

The RPi hasn't a switch to shutdown the RPI; if you cut off power from the RPi, SD card could be corrupted easely.

An easy solution is to add a switch to shutdown the RPI connected to a GPIO pin...

Remote control Raspberry Pi with Tablet via Bluetooth.

Based on various tutorials and posts, I have made this remote control for my RPi.
Hardware required: Tablet with 1200 x 800 resolution (can be reduced by changing the layout file) and Bluetooth...


  • Windsonic_server.zip
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  • winsonic_client.zip
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  • windsonic_client.png
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[BANano] Bidirectional communication between B4J and BANano


I found something interesting from Daestrum and tried it out to see if it could be used for BANano.

With this code it is possible to establish a communication between a B4J WebView...


  • B4JWebView.zip
    3 KB · Views: 528
  • BANanoWebView.zip
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