B4J Tutorials

Generate a LIVE QR Code while you are typing....

As the title says - it will generate a LIVE QR Code while you are typing text (adding, deleting, changing, updating, editing) in the TextArea. Have seen this a number of times on websites and...


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  • QRCodeType.zip
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[ABMaterial] One Page - Subs required

Continuing the One Page, Many Uses example, here we demonstrate how to create and collect the events raised for each Type (Employee, Vehicle, User, etc).

The module form is getting rather large...

[BANanoWebix] Lesson 6.X Form Validation


Let's add form validation. This is a process of ensuring that whatever is entered by users is valid.

We accept isEmail, isNumber, isChecked, isNotEmpty.

Let's create a form with some...

[BANanoWebix] Lesson 25 Template


The template is just also like the scrollview, enabling one to create elements..


In this image we depict how we have created a container and then added templates on the row...

[Websites] Create a profile page for your website using UOENow+BANano

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[BANanoWebix] Lesson 4: Carousels, MultiView & TabView


This lesson is about the 3 layout elements being the carousel, multiview and the tabview. Each of the elements here are added in each row of our page.

Carousel: We will create a...

[BANanoVueMaterial] How to ask questions, request help, report bugs and request enhancements + Telegram Channel


Thanks for showing interest in BANanoVueMaterial. This is a rabbit hole that you will surely enjoy in your coding with VueJS.

A lot can be lost in translation, we speak different languages...
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[ABMaterial] Version 2.0 ABMParallax

The views below are shown as phone portrait size ( < 600px )

Prior to 2.0


Version 2.0


Sub ConnectPage()
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[GCE] For Noobs, Part 3 - Creating an Empty Virtual Machine

We’re now ready to start creating virtual machines that will be used to host our B4J application/s. We’ll be creating a small VM in this tutorial.

On the left side of the screen, in our...

B4J How Tos - Front End Update


  • B4JHowTos_NewMenu.zip
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How create a Chat using B4J and Server Composer [ Socket ]

hello everyone !

It is with great honor that I present to you my tool for creating websocket & socket servers, it was developed using C ++ [libwebsocket, enet, winsock, lua_wrapper, scintilla and...

[ABMaterial] New component ABMAudioPlayer in 1.08

ABMAudioPlayer is a new component for ABMaterial v1.08 that allows to play mp3 files in WebApps. This component can play individual mp3 files, or playlists (see video). It can also show lyrics...

[IoT] Raspberry: Use a IDE/SATA hd/ssd

Using a Raspberry to handle a lot of data will definetly corrupt/destroy the SD card after a while (e.g. if you use it as a webserver). SD cards are slow (in comparison to a hd or sdd). The best...

[XLUtils] Reading and writing example

You are probably familiar with the online libraries index.
The table has a column for each of the platforms. This structure is useful as there are many cross platform libraries.

The task...


  • LibrariesSplitter.zip
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UI Wrapper for B4J Packager


using it as a non-ui program works well, but I prefer using it as a ui program.
Therefore, I have now changed the application as ui program.
This wrapper is derived from "B4JPackager11 v1.14"...


  • B4JPackager-Wrapper_1.00.zip
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[BANanoWebix] Lesson 13 The TreeView


The treeview is basically that, a tree view. You add items and children and can also trap the itemClick event for the item to get the key selected..


Here we use .SetData to load...

[BANanoWebix] Lesson 5: Creating ToolBars


This 5th installment of webix tuts deals with how one can create toolbars. These sit on the Rows collection of your page and can have a variety of elements like buttons, toggle buttons and...

B4Xsources: a B4X source code viewer using command line tools to extract and decompile the files.

In this tutorial you can learn how to extract files from a B4Xlib or Jar file.

You can select in the file menu the library type to open and extract.

For each...

[BANanoWebix] Lesson 8.1 The DataTable/DataGrid


Lesson 8.2

Get your copy of BANanoWebix

The datatable is an editable table for data that one can use.


Like the rest of the components, one is able to apply to it...
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"Embedding" JSpice in B4J


  • JSpice2.zip
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