iOS Tutorials

Add QuickActions to your App


in this thread I want to show you, how to add QuickActions/Shortcuts to your App. QuickActions require 3D touch support and iOS 9 (minimum).

1.) Download the QuickActions tool, to...


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  • QuickActions.bas
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VideoPlayer - Replaces VideoView

iUI8 library v1.50 includes a new VideoPlayer view. It replaces VideoView from iMedia library.

Apple has deprecated the API that VideoView was based on. VideoPlayer is based on the newer...


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B4LinuxInstall script to use B4X tools in linux

AdMob - Rewarded video ads

AdMob v1.50 (included in B4i v3.0) adds support for rewarded video ads.

Rewarded video ads are video ads where the user is rewarded if he watches the full video.
How is the user rewarded is up...

TableView - Action (swipe) Buttons

TableView2 library extends TableView and adds support for action buttons.
The reason for the new library is that TableView2 requires iOS 8+.
You can download it here...

Share data from your app with ActivityViewController


ActivityViewController allows the user to share data from your app using the standard share dialog.
It was added in iPhone library v2.00.

Using it is simple. You need to...
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Compile As Library

B4i v3.50 adds support for library compilation. This is similar to the feature available in B4A and B4J...

iUI8 library

(this library is part of B4i v2.50)
The iUI8 library includes several UI features that are only supported by iOS 8+.
The following line should be added when using this library:

iPhone X Safe Area


As you can see in the above image, the screen area near the top and bottom are considered unsafe. Meaning that you...


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ATS - App Transport Security

ATS is a security feature that prevents applications to make non-ssl http connections. This means that when ATS is enabled applications can only access https urls.

Starting from 1/1/2017, ATS...
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[Deprecated][Tool] iWidget - add a today widget to your App

Important: This project is deprecated and should no longer be used!

iWidget is a (experimental) tool which allows you to add a today widget to your B4i app.


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(Local Mac) - Upload ipa to Apple Connect without Application Loader


In the past I used Application Loader to upload my .ipa file to Apple Connect. Looks like since Xcode 11, Apple decided to remove it.

Application Loader is no longer included with Xcode...
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Install Release ipa to your device with Appandora


For those of us who have a windows pc and however want to do ad-hoc distribution of our apps for testing, I have just found this shortcut to have a release ipa installed. I have just installed...

Swift libraries

B4i supports libraries written in Swift and compiled as frameworks.
Note that adding swift frameworks makes the compilation process considerably more complicated and it is recommended to avoid...
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Symbolicating app crash reports

Add UIRefreshControl To CustomListView

Original Tutorial by @narek adonts

Create a standard class module (Let assume the name of the class is UIRefreshControl),
Sub Class_Globals
    Private CSB As CSBuilder...
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Load HTML to Label

(Here is the Android version)
This is how you can set HTML data to Label,

Public Sub SetHTML(l As Label, htmlString As String)
    Dim NaObj As NativeObject = Me...
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Location Services Blue Bar

If you've used Location services on iOS you might have noticed that there's a blue bar showing when the app is in the background and using the GPS:


I noticed my app doesn't show...

Google Analytics

Edit: use iFirebaseAnalytics instead.

B4i v2.50 includes a wrapper for Google Analytics SDK (iAnalytics).


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Static Modules and Classes

There are two types of modules in B4i: static modules and classes.

A class is a template. At runtime you can create any number of instances based on the class template.
Each instance will have...