iOS Tutorials

[Example] FlappyBirdClone

Name: FlappyBirdClone

Version: 1.0



This game...


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Symbolicating app crash reports

Programmatic changing of button images

For my latest app, Less Note 1.0.0 (currently WFR), I wanted to show when a particular colored pen or the eraser was active and the others inactive. So, I used Photoshop to create glowing...

Get screenshots for all iPhone devices for free and easily for use in AppStore

Hi every one,

Here is an easy usage guide for creating screenshots for AppStore Presence.

1) From b4i version 5.80 while working with the Hosted Builder there is the option Build Simulator...
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change Imageview.Bitmap color


if you would like to change the color of your Imageview.Bitmap than you could just
do it like this:

ImageView1.TintColor = Colors.RGB(Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255),Rnd(0,255))

but it seems...


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ShowPage Animated

Based on @narek adonts answer here:

this is a ShowPage animation Code Module

'Code module
Sub Process_Globals

End Sub

'Transition: 0 = cameraIris, 1 = cameraIrisHollowOpen, 2 =...

Tutorial for PC

Is there a tutorial that explains step by step how to install B4i on a PC. Should we install Java and what libraries to install (because it requires the path). And after?
Thank you

Location Services Blue Bar

If you've used Location services on iOS you might have noticed that there's a blue bar showing when the app is in the background and using the GPS:


I noticed my app doesn't show...

Simple Parallax Scrolling iSpriteKit

here is an example of how to make a simple Parallax Scrolling using iSpriteKit

Sub createBackground(myScence As SKScene)
    'first create Sky
    Dim sky As SKSpriteNode...
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How to "Screenrecording"

You can record the screen of your device for free.
what you will need is an IOS8+ device and OS Yosemite on your mac


T3 - The Timer Tutorial

During the creation of Callosum, I used 7 different timer for everything from level transitions to the level countdown and overall count up timers.

Here's a simple summary of the steps to create...
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Workaround for strange pause during installation

In the last week or two I encountered a strange pause which happened during full installations.

There were two symptoms:
1. The installation paused for a few seconds after it started.
2. It took...

[B4X] [B4XPages] CustomListView + Keyboard handling


This is a B4A + B4i project that shows a possible method for handling the keyboard visibility changes.
Resizing the CLV will cause the list to lose the scroll position. Instead of...


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BLE - Heart Rate Monitor

Add UIRefreshControl To CustomListView

Original Tutorial by @narek adonts

Create a standard class module (Let assume the name of the class is UIRefreshControl),
Sub Class_Globals
    Private CSB As CSBuilder...
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Automating the iLibrary Creating with XCODE

The process to creating a B4i Library after build a objectiveC Code is:

Locating the .a and .h files, copy this files to a folder in a another folder with B4Ih2xml.jar and iCore.h

Execute the...

Quick Inline Objective-C Question

Just a quick question about inline Objective-C: Can I declare a variable outside of a method? This seems like a really basic question but I haven't use inline objective-c before and wanted to be...
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Use Face ID Touch ID and Passcode

This is a short tutorial/code snippet on how to successfully implement Touch ID in your app.
Thanks to @Semen Matusovskiy for his code.

You need this OBJC Code

💡 Tic-Tac-Toe. Simple XUI cross platform WiFi game example B4i vs B4A vs B4J - Newer developers

Hello fellow B4X developers.
Here is my example of using a broadcast address to automatically find another devices IP address on a network, then to use that IP address to play a game (in this case...
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B4LinuxInstall script to use B4X tools in linux
