Tutorials & Examples

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[B4X] Supabase - Sign In Anonymously

Supabase now supports anonymous user login, the B4X library now too...

Share SQLite database between 2 devices

This is just a proof of concept to show that Device A behave like a server hosting a database and Device B connects to it accessing the "shared" database. It is a response to this question...


  • ShareDB.zip
    17.6 KB · Views: 81
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[B4X] AS TextFieldAdvanced - ComboBox


  • AS TextFieldAdvanced ComboBox Example.zip
    179.5 KB · Views: 67

[B4X] AS Settings - DescriptionItem

This is a description item, this can be used to provide more information about a particular feature.


[B4X] AS Settings - ComboBox Property

With this property, the user can quickly select one of several options via a combobox. It use the native combo box for...

[B4X] AS Settings - Text Property

This property is for text input. Normal text, numbers or decimal numbers.




[B4X] AS Settings - ActionClean Property

This property is like the action property, only in a cleaner version. Here there is only an icon and the display...

[B4X] AS Settings - Action Property

This property is used, for example, to manage properties that are on another page. Or to open links, open a picker so...
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[B4X] AS Settings - Boolean Property

(1) FTZzgV4CZDcESNrYZIq5EviLuJFH2gGZ8o09ODFHc5Fe4IrWdZ.png

AS_Settings1.MainPage.AddProperty_Boolean("Basic","PropertyName_1","Boolean Property...

[B4X] AS Settings - SelectionList Property

With this property, you can offer the user several options and he can then select either one or more.
(57) mage.png


  • AS Settings SelectionList Example.zip
    179.2 KB · Views: 56
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[B4X] AS Scheduler - MonthView HeatMap


  • AS Scheduler MonthView Heatmap Example.zip
    71.9 KB · Views: 79

[B4X] AS PopupMenu with icons

(53) mage.png
(54) mage.png

Private Sub ShowMenu


  • AS PopupMenu with Icons.zip
    177.4 KB · Views: 102

[B4X] AS TextFieldAdvanced - Underline Style


  • AS TextFieldAdvanced Underline Example.zip
    203.4 KB · Views: 85

[B4X] Supabase - INSERT or UPDATE a record and return it

It is possible to create a new data record and return it directly.
Use the...

[B4X] Supabase - Column Alias

You can use column aliases in Supabase. All you need to do is write the alias name, a...

[B4X] AS Settings - Deactivate a property if a certain condition is met

You need AS_Settings V2.00+ for this example

The object property has a new variable called "view". It contains the...
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[B4X] AS Settings - Master and child switch

You need AS_Settings V2.00+ for this example.

In the following example, PropertyName_2 and PropertyName_3 are set to...
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[B4X] FirebaseFirestore - ChatApp Demo

Happy New Year!!!!
Here is a chat demo of FirebaseFirestore with Android, Windows & iOS



  • Project.zip
    196.9 KB · Views: 128

[B4X] AS TextFieldAdvanced + AS BottomPhoneNumberFlagPicker - Simply let your users enter their phone number


  • AS TextFieldAdvanced + AS BottomPhoneNumberFlagPicker Example.zip
    178.2 KB · Views: 102

[B4X] Supabase - Realtime Broadcast example app

This is a simple B4X broadcast example with supabase as backend.



  • Supabase Broadcast Example.zip
    185.1 KB · Views: 151
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