B4A Question Permissions not sufficient , still can't access external files correctly. - Alex_197 (first post)    Jan 20, 2024 use contentresolver B4A Tutorial Working with Calendars using ContentResolver (Query, Insert, Update, Delete) - DonManfred    Apr 11, 2020   (23 reactions) Hello,
i´m playing around with the Calendars on my Device and want to Query them. I found out how it works using ContentResolver querying the ContentProvider available in Android.
You can find it documented here.
I started using java code and a java-librarywrapper for this but then i realized tha B4A Tutorial [B4A] [Class] [Calendar] Class wmCalendar - Android calendar manipulation based on DonManfred's explorations - walt61    Apr 19, 2022   (16 reactions) This is a calendar manipulation class based on @DonManfred 's explorations which you can find at https://www.b4x.-with-calendars-using-contentresolver-query-insert-update-delete.100229/.
It contains the following methods:
- AddCalendar: Adds a new Calendar and returns its id, or -1 if no Calendar B4A Library [library] ContentResolver - Erel    Feb 23, 2016   (5 reactions) ContentResolver library allows you to access "content providers" applications.
This functionality is already available with objects such as: CallLog, Contacts, Contacts2 and others.
With this library you have more flexibility as you can implement it completely in Basic4android.
The classes in thi B4A Question ContentResolver - openInputStream is missing - Erel (first post)    Jun 18, 2020   (1 reaction) This is equivalent to:
File.OpenInput(Dir, File) 'in ContentChooser event.
It has nothing to do with getting a file URI. B4A Code Snippet Get the path to media files returned from ContentChooser - Erel    Jul 24, 2022   (8 reactions) It is a mistake to try to get a file path from the returned resource. It will not work in most cases, and even if you will be able to get the path, you will not be able to access it. You can use File.OpenInput to access the remote resource. Correct solution: TextEditor - Save and load external fi B4A Question [SOLVED] Viber or WhatsApp contacts - DonManfred (first post)    Apr 18, 2020   (2 reactions) You can use Contentresolver to get the info. B4A Question B4A 12.80 and Android 14 - Computersmith64 (first post)    Jan 15, 2024 If you use a ContentResolver, the default location is the downloads folder. The user only has to hit OK once & then every time you use the ContentResolver after that, it remembers that the user granted permission. It's pretty straightforward. - Colin. B4A Code Snippet Add image to Gallery Android 5 - 10+ - Erel    Sep 06, 2020   (15 reactions) Depends on: Phone, JavaObject and ContentResolver libraries Sub AddBitmapToGallery (In As InputStream, TargetName As String, MimeType As String) Dim p As Phone Dim ctxt As JavaObject ctxt.InitializeContext If p.SdkVersion >= 29 Then Dim cr As ContentResolver cr.Init B4A Question ContentResolver library is ignored - Myr0n (first post)    Apr 05, 2016   (2 reactions) This library is an internal library, you should copy to C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android\Libraries
or where your b4a is installed. Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |