B4A Library Dropbox SDK V2 - Java - DonManfred    Aug 3, 2024   (32 reactions) 51210
This is a wrap for the Dropbox JAVA SDK for Android.
It is a request for the community too... of connected Tutorials:
- Dropbox SDK V2 - Authentification
- Dropbox SDK V2 - Uploading big files to Dropbox... B4A Class Dropbox API V2. All HTTP! All using httputils2 - DonManfred    Aug 20, 2017   (20 reactions) .
But if you need to get Access to a Users Dropbox then you can´t use this lib anymore. I suggest to....
As you can read here Dropbox has decided to deprecate the Sync and Datastore APIs over... B4A Library Dropbox Chooser - stevel05    Mar 11, 2022   (9 reactions) As Dropbox sync is apparently deprecated, I though I would have a go at wrapping the Android Native version of The Dropbox chooser, and here it is.
It's simple enough to use, you first need to... B4J Library Dropbox SDK V2 - DonManfred    May 27, 2018   (10 reactions) 68101
This is a begin of a wrap for the Dropbox JAVA SDK
The Library is based on my v0.4 from....
List of connected Tutorials:
- Dropbox SDK V2 - Uploading big files to Dropbox
- Dropbox SDK - get... B4A Library CloudRail - CloudStorage (Dropbox, GoogleDrive, OneDrive and Box) Payment (PayPal, Stripe), POI - DonManfred    Dec 20, 2016   (28 reactions)   tags: CloudRail the content-provider you want to use.
Installation: Copy all three...-si.aar
Example-Code (for Dropbox)
Sub Globals
'These global variables will be redeclared... Tool B4Xgoodies: a maintained library/class/code module/... inventory (last updated 2024-10-05) - walt61    May 24, 2024   (20 reactions)   tags: Goodies longer; use - the dropbox download link (the same one that's used by @inakigarm's B4J program - see post #25) instead: https://www.dropbox.com/s/oib4glqqd4qcx8x/B4Xgoodies.xlsm?dl=1 (Note: this link was changed on 2022-07-24 after a Dropbox issue that lost the original one - thanks to...://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/sqg3mi9nq0f303mbafckj/b4xgoodies.csv?rlkey=r1le2biku4prn78uq481gsawg&st...: - b4xgoodies.html: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4punyxbwek8oc8o/b4xgoodies.html?dl=0 - B4Xgoodies.xlsm: https... B4A Library [Library] Dropbox Authentication API ver 1 - thedesolatesoul    Jan 3, 2013 This library wraps the Dropbox SDK to do authentication. I have only checked that I get the access token, I havent tested it ahead of that. Required Files: Dropbox SDK files from the lib directory. There are 3 jar files. https://www.dropbox.com/developers/reference/sdk Dowload the library...: dropbox-android-sdk httpmime-4.0.3 json_simple-1.1 DBWrapper Manifest: In your apps manifest.... AddApplicationText( <activity android:name="com.dropbox.client2.android.AuthActivity" android... B4A Library [B4X] Library Base64 encode/decode Image and File library - MarcoRome    Aug 26, 2024   (32 reactions) Example Code B4A --> https://www.dropbox.com/s/mohtg21cnfvaj1p/CONVERTBMPTOCODE64B4.zip?dl=0 Example Code B4i --> https://www.dropbox.com/s/97x5hcexy9xgkm6/CONVERTBMPTOCODE64.zip?dl=0 Example Code B4J -->https://www.dropbox.com/s/888ic5l1m18f4d1/B4J-CONVERTBMPTOCODE64.zip?dl=0 In attachment... B4A Library AppUpdating (dl.dropbox.com) - T201016    Sep 1, 2017   (3 reactions) post] AppUpdate works with dropbox. You can always use dropbox to host your APK files and TXT files. the URL for that is dl.dropbox.com instead of www.dropbox.com A little modified for own needs... the shared DropBox folder (https://dl.dropbox.com) - see: AppUpdating_testing.zip #Region Project... is the complete path to your newer apk apkupdt.setNewVerApk("https://dl.dropbox.com....setNewVerApk("https://dl.dropbox.com/s/u5dsjl4a550bjv8/Tesseract.apk?dl=0", "Tesseract... Page: 1   |