B4A Code Snippet [B4X] Post multipart requests / file uploads with progress - Erel    Apr 27, 2021   (11 reactions) This code will work in B4A and B4J. It will not work in B4i.
Public Sub CreateMultipartJob(Link...)
empty = MultipartStartSection (stream, empty)
Dim s As String = _
$"... As MultipartFileData In Files
empty = MultipartStartSection (stream, empty)
Dim... B4A Tutorial Android Http Multipart requests - Erel    Jan 7, 2016   (2 reactions) For new projects it is recommended to use OkHttpUtils2: https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/54723/#content Multipart POST requests are usually used by Html Form components to upload files and pairs of name/values to the server. The attached code module makes it easy to create such requests....Put("note2", "def") Dim req As HttpRequest req = MultipartPost...("UTF8"), "") Response.Release End Sub The method MultipartPost... B4J Question PostMultipart - Handle on B4J Server - Harris    Mar 6, 2019 or wifi). Now I am trying to test speed difference with PostMultipart - get nothing but failure... su.EncodeUrl( filename, "UTF8") , dir, filename) ' Now - try and substitute Multipart... Dim fd As MultipartFileData fd.Initialize fd.KeyName = "file" fd.Dir....PostMultipart(Starter.srvlinkins, CreateMap("name": filename), Array(fd)) Wait For (j... tmpFileName As String Try data = req.GetMultipartData( downloadfolder, MaxSize... B4J Question PostMultipart: upload file with some POST parameters - peacemaker    Feb 10, 2022   (3 reactions)
by MultiPart POST.
Debugging by the https://web.postman.co/
Private Sub UploadHTTP_File(remoteFolder...", Me)
Dim fd As MultipartFileData
fd.KeyName = "uploaded_file..., timestamp)
job.PostMultipart(apif_HTTPURL, m, L)
Wait For (job) JobDone(job... B4A Question How send header parameters in PostMultipart - scsjc    Aug 6, 2019 I need send a image with a Post In a Headers need put a Parameters HASH & USER i try this code bad dont work.... message error: "User not supplied" Dim j As HttpJob j.Initialize("", Me) Dim fd As MultipartFileData fd.Initialize fd.KeyName = "file" fd.Dir = File.DirInternal fd.FileName = "file.jpg" fd.ContentType = "image/jpg" j.PostMultipart(posturl, CreateMap... B4J Question B4J Post Multipart File works in Debug mode but not in Release And Release Obfuscated mode - hatzisn    Nov 6, 2023 posts a file in a server with a multipart job (it is derived from an example of Erel) along...
TrackerIndex = 0
Dim fd As MultipartFileData
fd.KeyName = "file"
fd... Wish Multipart file data, upload progress - tufanv    Mar 5, 2023 Hello, I saw a post on b4a forum about uploads with progress and it was said there that at some point, there may be an example for b4i. Is it possible to have an example in the near future please? Thanks... B4A Example Image upload with PHP and PostMultipart - Douglas Farias    Oct 18, 2018   (2 reactions) Hi all. I found this example in some old folders on my pc and decided to share here. it is a simple image upload example with postmulipart and PHP. Download Here 700kb... B4J Code Snippet How to send file using Telegram bot API with multipart/form-data - Gandalf    Feb 1, 2023   (6 reactions) the following:
1. Download Erel's sample project of Post multipart requests / file uploads... Button1_Click
Dim fd As MultipartFileData
fd.KeyName = "document"... B4A Library OkHttp - Replaces the Http library - Erel    Mar 14, 2018   (22 reactions)   tags: Webservices is attached. It adds support for multipart requests. Example: Dim j As HttpJob j.Initialize("j", Me) Dim fd As MultipartFileData fd.Initialize fd.KeyName = "file" fd.Dir = File.DirAssets fd.FileName = "image.png" fd.ContentType = "image/png" j.PostMultipart... Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   |