B4A Library Pdf To Text - MarcoRome    Jul 09, 2017   (19 reactions) Hi all.
Pdf To Text
This library converts pdf files to txt.
I was looking for a library that could convert a pdf file to txt. Behind tip by @Johan Schoeman ( Thank you dear ) i delivery this wrapper itextpdf-5-5-6.jar ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/itext/ )
Author: DevilApp
Version: B4A Library PDF - Create PDF using android.jar built-in methods - DonManfred    Jan 03, 2017   (18 reactions) Basically the code to create a pdf with some pages (find it attached) is
Sub Button1_Click
Dim info As PageInfo
Dim r As Rect
Dim theight As Int
Dim trec As TextRec
theight = trec.Initialize B4A Library Printing and Pdf creation - Erel    May 18, 2020   (54 reactions) This is an Android 4.4+ (API 19+) library.
Its two main features are:
1. Creating Pdf documents with the PdfDocument object.
2. Printing with the Printer object.
Lets start with PdfDocument.
Dim pdf As PdfDocument
pdf.StartPage(595, 842) 'A4 size
pdf.Canvas.DrawLine(2, 2, 593 , 84 B4A Library [class] DocumentScanner based on Google ML Kit - Erel (first post)    May 19, 2024   (2 reactions) - v1.01 - New option to generate a PDF document. The Scan method now accepts a single boolean parameter. If true then a PDF document will be created, as well as the jpeg images. See the updated example. B4A Library [B4X] MediaChooser - cross platform videos and images chooser - Lucas Siqueira (first post)    Nov 28, 2024   (1 reaction) Thank you for your response and concern. Android does not open PDF documents natively, but nowadays most cell phones already come with an application that views PDFs, and when they do not open, the user downloads an application that views the PDF.
The main idea is to be able to select a file, so th B4A Library PDFium - Pdfview2 - DonManfred    Sep 26, 2019   (26 reactions) Due to the Size of the native .so Files the library is big (18mb) and can be downloaded from my Dropbox.
The Example is to big (2mb) too so it is available on Dropbox too.
Please respect License if you want to use it in your project.
Download HERE
Linked Tutorials:
- Access to the PDF Pages and B4A Library Java-fPDF library - Create PDF files in B4A - Andrew (Digitwell)    Jan 11, 2017   (6 reactions) Filename: - String containing the filename
OutputString As String
Return type: @return:- A string version of the PDF output
PageNo As Int
Return the current page number
Return type: @return:- Page number
Polygon (coordlist() As PDFDocCoordinate, drawmode As String)
Draw a polygon
coordlist: - an ar B4A Library DonManfreds Overview - DonManfred (first post)    Nov 10, 2019   (2 reactions) Added B4J Library PDFBox beta - Creating PDF with AcroForm, reading AcroForm Values, manipulating AcroForm values. B4A Library ProBundle - Informatix (first post)    Aug 07, 2016   (7 reactions) In the new version, I added the PDFium library and the OverlayButton.Initialize2 function to OverlayWindow.
It is a fast PDF renderer, written in C, working with any Android version >= 2.3 (Gingerbread). It can open protected PDF (with the password), get the metadata, get the table of conte B4A Library HtmlToPdf - FabioC6    Mar 22, 2019   (13 reactions) Hello everybody, I've created this library that converts an html file (or string) to a pdf file programmatically. A couple of important notes: it only works on devices with SDK versions >= 21 and it cannot read files from the asset folder (you can either copy the file to the internal folder and us Page: 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   Powered by ColBERT |