Wish Highlighted Text Using F3 (Quick Search) Is Hard to Detect


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Highlighted Text Using F3 (Quick Search) Is Hard to Detect


When you have many similar words highlighted, it is hard to see which one is the word that has just been highlighted. Is there a theme for the code editor that gives you a darker highlighted word background without using a black IDE background so you can easily distinguish it from the other highlighted ones.. I use LunarNormalColor for IDE theme and ‘Light’ for Code Editor Theme, but it is not good. I tried them all. Please do not tell me I need spectacles or new monitor.



Licensed User
Longtime User
You shouldn't use F3 for searching.
I really like F3 with its additional find options that you do not have with CTRL F. It will even be nicer if you can darken the background in the found word. It deserves more respect.
Changing the 'Search Result' background to a different color in the Light.vssettings file has no effect when using F3. It only works using CTRL F.