
  1. karim22

    Android Question How does Android interact with hardware to send SMS messages over the RF chip?

    I was trying to understand how Android interacts with hardware to send SMS messages over the RF chip, but I was facing difficulties in understanding the relationship between kernel, software, hardware, operating system, Android Java files, boot image, system image, as well as how to create them...
  2. N

    Android Question 9x9 Grids using 2D array

    Hello everyone, I'm currently making a 9x9 grid using 2d array for my school project on b4a. I always get a error when I'm utilizing it. Is there any way to make one using 2d array?
  3. Hackito

    Share My Creation IPTV para Dispositivos ANDROID - VENTA

    Apk completo para empezar tu empresa de venta de apk para iptv, con motor de reproducción actualizado, varias opciones de reproducción incluyendo reproducción web que te permite reproducir videos directamente de páginas como Es una aplicación estable con TODAS las HERRAMIENTAS para...
  4. M

    Android Question EditText disable "Next" button in keyboard

    Hi everyone, I've an UI setup that can cause problem if an user tap on the "Next" button on the keyboard when writing in an EditText. I wish to know if its possibile to disable it, or intercept its press and cancel the standard behavior (like _KeyPress). At the moment I worked around the...
  5. E

    B4R Question How to Receive audiostreamer from example walkie talkie b4a on ESP8266

    Hello everyone. Does anyone know how you could put an ESP8266 to receive audiostreamer over wifi from the example of the walkie talkie b4a, that is, put it only as a receiver. LINK My need...
  6. M

    Android Question BLE does not connect - Disconnected event triggered

    Hi everyone, I already used BLE in the past for other project without any problems, now i'm using it again after some time and nothing works :confused:. When i try to connect to a ble device it goes in timeout triggerint the Disconnected event because it couldnt connect. My ble device is a...
  7. M

    iOS Question Connect to BLE devices providing PIN programmatically

    Hi everyone, someone of you knows if it's possible to connect to a BLE Devices that needs the PIN, and give it by code, instead of let the user insert it through a dialog? Thanks in advance
  8. M

    iOS Question [B4X] BLE refresh available Services and Characteristics - Missing Feature?

    Hi everyone, I noticed an important missing feature in the BLE library. It seems to not be possibile to refresh the ServiceList, given the fact that the only place where you can get it is in the "Connected" event.... I'have a BLE Device that exposes a Service only after you complete a...
  9. demun

    Android Question Need Help For Solving AndroidManifest.xml File

    Hello, I Built An App Using Kodular. I'm Facing A Problem And I'm Trying To Solve This For The Past 8 Days. I Implemented Offerwall In My App Using Enhance Extension. The Problem Is, Every Time The Enhancing Completes A Line '' Repeating Twice In My App...
  10. E

    Android Question B4XPages and Scrollview

    I didn't find any topic or tutorial on how to use Scrollview with B4XPages on the forum. Could someone please help.
  11. B

    Android Question Item not available with google billing.

    Hi, im trying to learn how subscriptions work in B4A but running into an error. I am using the code example provided by Erel that can be found here and modified it to work with subscriptions. When hitting the Remove Ads button I get a message back stating "The item you requested is not...
  12. M

    Bug? XSpeechRecognizer by MultiverseApp error occurred message - serious problem

    Hi eveyrone last year I made an app that uses XSpeechRecognizer by @Multiverse app library to detect words, infact you can see some posts of mine on the forum. However I received a report that some useres experienced a crash of the app when they start the Speech To Text. So I opened the project...
  13. OliverA

    B4A Class Camera2Torch - Torch using B4A's Camera2 library

    Attached is the class Camera2Torch. It uses B4A's Camera2 library to use Android's CameraManager's setTorchMode method. Please note that this method is only available since API23, whereas CameraManager is available as of API21. This has been successfully tested (via sideloading...
  14. GerardoBasualdo

    Spanish Ayuda con carga a Google Play

    Hola estimados, necesito cargar una app a google play y me la ha rechazado alrededor de 29 veces (son muchas lo se) por el permiso send_sms lo elimine pero aun así sigue tomándolo cuando la cargo. quisiera si alguien tiene mas experiencia me puede dar una mano, puede ser remunerado si es el caso.
  15. Brian Michael

    Android Code Snippet Print or Save as PDF a Table from B4XTable

    Hello everyone, I want to share a method to be able to print or save as pdf a table from B4XTable. This code is very basic and can be adjusted for any need. You are free to play with its possibilities. In this case you will need the following libraries: -B4XTable 1.21+ -Printing 1.0+ (Link)...
  16. Dhanen

    Android Question CreditsRoll Library in newer versions of Android Studio?

    Hi all, Hope this question is well posted here. I am new and I am not sure, please if doesn't, tell me where I should move it. And sorry if my english is not as good, but it's not my first language (even not my second one). I have been searching and asking here and there during some months...
  17. aironium

    Android Question How to obtain the current webpage title of the Webview?

    For context, I am currently developing an app for my capstone project (I call it Zyngil, a debt manager for micro-stores/variety stores in the Philippines). The sign up page is a B4xpage object with a webview... er view. Honestly I don't know if I am asking the correct question, but yeah, I want...
  18. RockSmoke

    Android Question Convert String Expression To Label

    Good day to everyone. In my project on B4A, I convert the data I receive over BLE to UTF-8 units. Then I want to give it to the screen via the label, but I am getting such an error. How do i convert to label text Thanks For Your Answer. ERROR MESSAGE : (TextView) android.widget.TextView{82e135b...
  19. M

    Android Question B4A - Maven artifact not found: androidx.core/core-ktx (-> lStar)

    Hi everyone, I just switched to a MacBook M1 and i'm configuring everything on Windows11 with Parallels. I followed the usual B4A installation instructions and tried to compile an already existing project. This error showed up... what can i do? i already tried to install these...
  20. S

    Android Question Only show seekbar of Exoplayer and rewind/fastforward

    Hello, I have 2 questions for Exoplayer, 1-is it possible to only show the seekbar/progressbar and time of the Exoplayer, and not the buttons? If yes how to do that? playing with these settings sometimes I only see the rewind/fastforward and not play stop, but that's probably a glitch...