
  1. M

    B4A Class Slightly modified AutoTextSizeLabel

    Hi everyone, for necessity i added some fields to the famous AutoTextSizeLabel class. The fields added are: Version 1.4 Access Tag Property: You can now use the .Tag property to set/access this value also from designer Version 1.3 Min Text Size: Specify the minium size of the text of the...
  2. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Class [B4X] [XUI] AutoTextSizeLabel

    It is not recommented to use this class in B4J, the textsize is resetting without reasons... this class is based on the Original Class from @Erel. It works on B4A, B4I and B4J. I tested it with B4A and B4I. Notes: -XUI is needed Change log: - V1.0 Release - V1.1 Add RefreshView Add...