
  1. johnmie

    B4J Question images in BBlistview - there must be an easier way

    Hello everybody, my soon to be released healthy nutrition app sports a help or showcase file which is essentially an expandable CLV list which I adore (thanks, Erel) with BBlistviewitems (Klaus showed me how) inside. So far no problem except when it comes to tables. Some cells are multiline...
  2. joko0124

    Android Question [B4X] BBListItem - BCTextEngine inside CLV (Help please)

    Hello! Can anybody help me with my problem regarding bblistitem? When I comment blocked line 13-14 it will run with no error, but it doesn't show the content (see attachment) And removing comments from this line got an error (see attachment) Private Sub clvFAQs_ScrollChanged (Offset As Int)...
  3. H

    Android Question Unexpected behavior of BBListItem

    I don't know if anyone already encountered this. This is just a chat application using BBListItem, I have a customlistview and its listitems contain a BBListItem. floattextfield is used for user input. When the floattextfield is focused, the listview changes its size and the floattextfield...
  4. H

    Android Question BBListItem's URL not working accordingly.

    sb.Append(CRLF).Append($"[Span MinWidth=33%x Alignment=center]Delete[/span][Span MinWidth=33%x Alignment=center]Forward[/span]"$).Append(CRLF) sb is a StringBuilder type. The issue is, when I tap the "Forward", there is an instance that I have to tap it 4 to 5 times before it will respond...