
  1. Maodge

    Android Question [solved]How to get the top distance value of the item in listview

    hi, In my app, i want to dispaly somthing on the right of select item like the attached pic shows. so i must get the value of the select items' distance from the top. i find in B4A lib,and read listview doc of android. I have...
  2. M

    B4J Question Listview.SetSelection and B4J

    In B4A, we had a SetSelection member in Listview, I was looking for just than in B4J listview, but could not find it. How would I programmatically select a item in a listview in B4J? I mean what is the equivalent of SetSelection in B4J?
  3. mcqueccu

    A nice read about Recyclerview
  4. rleiman

    Android Question Calling to texting someone from my contacts

    Hi Everyone, I would like to know if this can be done with B4A. I would like to be able to view all of my phone contacts in a list view and allow the user to select 1 or more contacts, get their phone number and ring them and play a sound file to them. If that can't be done can I send a SMS...
  5. J

    Android Question How to Re-initialize/Restart ListView?

    Hi, I am using tabstripviewer from the excellent example. Private TabStrip1 As TabStrip Private Page3ListView1 As ListView Private MasterList As List 'master list of data in file Private DisplayList As List 'list in display format Using the designer I created Page3...
  6. Star-Dust

    B4A Library SD: ViewExtra

    This library adds some elements of view. SwitchView: Android and IOS SD_Spinner: Animated spinner with images UpDown: A view that allows you to increase or decrease a number within the set limits AlfabeticListView: A ListView that places the items in alphabetical order and a separator for each...