
  1. L

    Spanish xCustomlistview con 3 botones

    ¿Cómo puedo programar un xCustomlistview con 3 botones, en dónde al presionar un botón cambie una propiedad (color por ejemplo) de los otros 2? He tratado con algunos ejemplos aquí y en youtube sin lograr que funcionen (Itemclick y Button Click), obteniendo el índice y nada... Por favor su...
  2. chjk

    B4A Class [class] CLVDragger - drag to reorder items Animation effect

    I hope everyone likes it!
  3. A

    Android Question adding xCustomListView by code

    I tried to add xCustomListView by code to activity by code but a yellow warning appeared that type do not match(warning#22). How should I add CLVby only by codes? dim xlv as CustomListView xlv.Initialize(Me,"xlv") Activity.AddView(xlv,0,0,Activity.Width,Activity.Height)
  4. C

    Android Question get itm idx from xCLV that has a panel with panel+xCLV, and has a items panels, crazy

    Hi, i can't get index from Dim indx As Int=clvListaTareasCard.GetItemFromView(Sender) i have a 2 layout (a)-one with principal panel(pnlCard) that hold 1 child panel(datetime info) and 3 buttons outside child panel (Compartir, Completar, Eliminar) (b)-another layout with principal...
  5. Joey249

    Android Question [B4X] [XUI] Issue with xCustomListView with TextChanged event

    I've added in my custom controls as followed from Erel's Tutorial, everything is working as expected but when I try and grab the controls from a TextChanged event B4xpages always crashes with an error message. The code i'm trying to use works perfectly in other areas, it just has an issue with...
  6. P

    Android Question B4XPages and xCustomListView - "Object should first be initialized (B4XView)"

    Hi - I have moved the CustomListView code from the CLVExample into a new B4XPage class in the same project (as I want the listview in a page that isn't the main page), however I am receiving and error. Where have I gone wrong? Sub Class_Globals Private Root As B4XView Public...
  7. D

    Android Question I am confused: xCustomListView, B4XImageView, Tag?

    In an xCustomListView with just several list items, each has a panel with a number of B4XViews, among them a button and a B4XImageView. When you tap the button, you can then take a photo with simple camera intent. I store the resized bitmap into the database and also create a jpg file. It's...
  8. Brian Michael

    Android Code Snippet [XCustomListView] Page Indicator

    Hello everyone in the community, I was looking for a code that would help me indicate the pagination a CustomListView and know in which position the list was indicated. I managed to create a simple code to be able to do it. If you can improve it, please follow the thread of this post...
  9. Phayao

    Android Question Lazy Loading with preoptimized clv - strange error (?)

    Hello, the preoptimized lazy loading works fine for me in all examples - but in my case there is a strange effect. When i first open the mainpage with the clv it doesnt show anything, but when i come back to the mainpage from another page, it shows the items. I initialize in B4XMainPage...
  10. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Class [B4X] SnapCLVAdvanced - Move to the nearest item - Instant snap

    I took the original CLVSnap code from @Erel and modified it to create a new class. With this class you can decide if you want to have an instant snap or if you want the list to snap only when the list stops moving. I spend a lot of time in creating views, some views i need by my self, but some...
  11. C

    Android Question xCustomListView - set horizontal orientation programatically?

    I've been migrating from loadLayout to programatically creating it (only in my clv, as I've measured the times and it's definitely faster). But the problem is that in the vertical CLV I'm putting nested horizontal CLVs inside. Loading it with designer made no problems, but I've realized that...
  12. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS PopupMenuAdvanced based on xCustomListView

    This is a PopupMenu with a xCustomListView, so you can add simply new rows. And also add build in separator or title without having to worry about it yourself. Not all functions of the normal PopupMenu are available yet. For now it has only the functions I needed for my project. I spend a lot...
  13. TelKel81

    B4J Question How to scroll horizontally with xCustomListView ?

    I set Orientation to Horizontal, fill the listview with more than can be seen, but I can't scroll unless I do it programatically (ScrollToItem). It also works when I use vertical orientation + mouse wheel.
  14. B

    Android Question xCustomListView card with variable content and resize

    Hello, New user question. I'm trying to display within a card a two column list and below that an image. The two column list would have variable rows between different cards. I'd also like to be able to color the background of rows to specific colors. No header for each column would be needed...
  15. B

    Android Question xCustomListView dynamically adjust for content

    Hello, I was looking at the example Erel did https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/threads/cards-list-with-customlistview.87720/#content However on my phone as mentioned lblContent of Card1.bal does not increase the size based on its contents. Is there an easy way to get the size and increase the...
  16. H

    Android Question CustomListView as another CustomListView's cellitem: How to resize the cell height to accomodate the listview's increasing items.

    To everyone who knows or has an idea... What is the proper way of resizing the height of a CustomListView's cell which contains another CustomListView which list items increase. For instance, listview1 has two list items--A and B--then, I put listview2 as the cell item of B. The list items...
  17. Marcos Alves

    iOS Question Horizontal CustomListView as an Element in a Vertical CustomListView

    Hello, I need to add a horizontal CustomListView as an element of a Vertical CLV. The code that I'm using is: Private Sub createOfertas As B4XView Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("") p.SetLayoutAnimated(0,0,0,100%x,200dip) p.LoadLayout("restaurantMenuOfertas") Dim...
  18. LucaMs

    B4J Question [SOLVED] xCustomListView + B4J bug?

    Please, try the attached project. Click on the last Item (on the ImageView - shows 9) to remove it from the xCLV. The Item is correctly removed, the logs are ok but the project throws an exception. If it is not enough, if you write the line to remove the item inside a Try-Catch block, in...
  19. Alexander Stolte

    B4A Library [B4X] [XUI] AS WheelPicker - Spinner - a modern single/multiple choice picker view - based on xCustomListView [Payware]

    Hello, this is a modern wheel picker, like the IOS-PickerView. WheelPicker/Spinner This library is not free, because, it cost a lot of time and gray hair to create such views. https://payhip.com/b/IvqnN Thanks for your understanding. :) V3.00-Preview B4I-Preview - looks nicer and smoother in...
  20. Melek

    Android Question Placing images in xCustomListView from apache server using mysql logs

    Hello, as the title indicates, I am seeing some examples of xCustomListView, but in the case of placing the images, it seems they only use the ones stored in the "File.DirAssets", I have seen the example of obtaining data from mysql and it works for me, but not I manage to put the images in the...