I'm getting some odd results from 100%x and 100%y. I've read the section on coordinates but it doesn't explain what I'm seeing.
The following piece of code:
Public NavControl As NavigationController
Private pPopup As Page
NavControl.Initialize ("")
App.KeyController = NavControl
Log ("pPopup.rootpanel, width=" & pPopup.RootPanel.Width & ", height=" & pPopup.RootPanel.Height)
Log ("100%x=" & 100%x & ", 100%y=" & 100%y)
results in the following log entries:
pPopup.rootpanel, width=320, height=504
100%x=320, 100%y=89
why is 100%y returning 89?
This is running on an iPhone 5.
I don't know if it's relevant, but before these calls I was using a TabControl to manage some other pages, but I expected assigning App.KeyController = NavControl would mean the pages that I display now would be unaffected by what went before in the TabControl.