Android Question Download image to use in Infowindow


Licensed User
Longtime User
Hi all!
I have been trying to download an image from a known url as a bitmap and to show it on a InfoWindow on a google map. I have succeeded to download the image for every marker to files when I create the markers and load the relevant file from there. I would like however to just download the relevant image when the user clicks to se the InfoWindow. Since I use the subroutine, Sub InfoWindowAdapter1_GetInfoContents(Marker1 As Marker) As View , I can't seem to be able to use ResumableSubs functionality.
The problem seems to be that the infowindowAdapter1 sub returns a View and this collides with the use of resumable subs.


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks for the answer!
Is it possible to download all the images in advance into a map with a key so that they can be used later? Just to avoid writing files.
I have tried many ways but the resulting bitmaps don't seem to contain anything.
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