B4J Question [SOLVED] jTreeViewExtended - SelectItemChanged - set/get record primary key


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Hi @Informatix

I'm using your jTreeViewExtended library and would like to be able to set and get the records Primary Key value with the TreeItem object.
I see how you've done it in your demo, but I can't get it to correctly format/set the 3 values when building the TreeItems.

Your code:
        'Latitude (format #LAT|rowid|value)
        Dim LatItem As TreeItem
        Dim LatValue As String = "#LAT|" & Records.GetString("rowid") & "|" & Records.GetString("Latitude")
        LatItem.Initialize("", LatValue)
        'Longitude (format #LNG|rowid|value)
        Dim LongItem As TreeItem
        Dim LngValue As String = "#LNG|" & Records.GetString("rowid") & "|" & Records.GetString("Longitude")
        LongItem.Initialize("", LngValue)

My code:
    Dim item As TreeItem
    item.Initialize("", "#ID|" & rs.GetInt("ID") & "|" & rs.GetString("Name"))

My Tree Item display result:
#ID|25|Mark Stuart

What is the correct way to store/set the record ID with the TreeItem but display another fields value for display?

Mark Stuart


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I see from the following code, this converts the 3 segments to what you want displayed.
I tried the _Convert in my app but it still displays as mentioned in Post #1: #ID|25|Mark Stuart

If it works in your demo, I must be missing something.
Any ideas and help would be appreciated.

Sub tvCities_Convert(Text As String, IsEditing As Boolean) As String
    Log("Convert " & Text & " " & IsEditing)

    'If latitude or longitude...
    If Text.StartsWith("#L") Then
        'Gets the value from the formatted string
        Dim LastSep As Int = Text.LastIndexOf("|")
        Dim Value As String = Text.SubString(LastSep + 1)
        If IsEditing Then
            Return Value
        Else If Text.StartsWith("#LAT") Then
            Return "Lat.: " & Value
            Return "Long.: " & Value
        End If
    End If
    Return Text
End Sub

Mark Stuart
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I was missing this code. It is a listener for the selected TreeItem and runs the _Convert script.
Put the following line of code in the AppStart Sub.

See his @Informatix example for more detail on how to use the jTreeViewExtended library: HERE

    'Latitudes and longitudes have to be converted for display
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