[2.52 PROBLEM] Breakpoints Not Working


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I've been trying to trace a non-error producing problem with an app I've been tweaking. I set a breakpoint in the code using B4a 2.52. When I use the Bridge to download and install the problem and open the app, the code doesn't pause execution at the breakpoint and allow me to step through the code to where the problem develops/appears. Instead the code runsas though no breakpoint were set and then terminates the debugger.

I went back to 2.50 and rempiled and ran the same app with the same breakpoint and it works fine and as expected.


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Can you upload your project (File - Export as zip)? When is this breakpoint placed?

I'm afraid I'm not liberty to upload the project. The breakpoint was set at the opening statement of more than one subroutine (i.e. Sub Xxx) and at the calling statements for those subroutines. Are there limits to where breakpoints should be placed.


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Breakpoints are not allowed in Activity_Pause.

Haven't used them there. I'very ONLY used them in subs I've created from scratch and calls to them. Also, bear in mjnd that tge same source code File Does not have this breakpoint problem in version 2.50. I Ryan into It in trying to figure out what was wrong with the ListView jn a ScrollView problem we'very been discussing in the Questiins and Updafes forum.
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