so i tried using the tab host with pictures and when that did not work at all itried without but the tabs were huge and only two would show up(out of 3), on one page all three showed up but the one was under neath
example pic below
this is all the code i have in the project so far
and the next is with some functions that keep returning syntax errors
the law of cos and the degstorad dont work but the radstodegs does
if you can help that would be great and thx
example pic below
sub globals
Dim TabHost1 As TabHost
End Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Activity.AddView(TabHost1, 0, 0, 320, 480)
Dim bpmH, bmpHS, bmpE, bmpES, bmpR, bmpRS As Bitmap
'bmpH = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "HomeIcon.png")
'bmpHS = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "HomeIcon-Selected.png")
'bmpE = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "ExpensesIcon.png")
'bmpES = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "ExpensesIcon-Selected.png")
'bmpR = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "ReportIcon.png")
'bmpRS = LoadBitmap(File.DirAssets, "ReportIcon-Selected.png")
'TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon ("Home", bmpH, bmpHS, "homescreen1.bal") 'load the layout file of each page
'TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon ("Expense", bmpE, bmpES, "Expenses.bal") 'load the layout file of each page
'TabHost1.AddTabWithIcon ("Report", bmpR, bmpRS, "Report.bal") 'load the layout file of each page
'TabHost1.AddTab("Expences", "Expences")
'TabHost1.AddTab("Report", "Report")
tabhost1.AddTab ("H", "homescreen1.bal")
tabhost1.AddTab ("E", "expenses.bal")
tabhost1.AddTab ("R", "report.bal")
End Sub
and the next is with some functions that keep returning syntax errors
'takes the parameters of 3 sides to do a munipulated form of the law of co-sine
'returns an angle in radians
Sub LawOfCos(ByVal dblSide1 As Double, ByVal dblSide2 As Double, ByVal dblSide3 As Double) As Double
Dim dblAnswer As Double
dblAnswer = ((dblSide2 dblside2) + (dblSide3 *dblside3) - (dblSide1 *dblside1)) / (2 * dblSide2 * dblSide3)
Return ACos(dblAnswer)
End Sub
'takes the parameters of 1 sides and 2 angles to do the law of sine
'returns a side
Sub LawOfSin(ByVal dblAng1 As Double, ByVal dblSide1 As Double, ByVal dblAng2 As Double) As Double
Dim dblAnswer As Double
Dim dblSin1 As Double
Dim dblSin2 As Double
dblSin1 = Sin(dblAng1)
dblSin2 = Sin(dblAng2)
dblAnswer = (dblSide1 * dblSin2) / dblSin1
Return dblAnswer
End Sub
'Does a conversion form radians
'Returns degrees
Sub RadsToDegs(ByVal dblRads As Double) As Double
Return (dblRads * (180 / Pi))
End Sub
'Does a conversion form degrees
'Returns radians
Sub DegToRads(byval dblDegs As Double) As Double
Return ((Pi / 180) * dblDegs)
End Sub
if you can help that would be great and thx