I would like onStop() and onDestroy().
The use case is as follows:
1. We have PTT app and when the user press's the back key and new PTT event arrives the app is brought to the foreground, and it's lovely.
2. When the user press's the home key, and the PTT event arrives in it takes about 2-3 seconds for the app to come to the fore ground.
I have been trying different methods to get the home key case to operate like the back key case, but alas I have failed.
Sub Activity_Pause (UserClosed As Boolean)
APPSET.main_running = False
APPSET.main_minimize = 0
APPSET.main_starting = False
' // turn off the timers
TmrMainHook.Enabled = False
TmrChannelUserList.Enabled = False
mod_functions.writelog("Activity_Pause " & UserClosed & ", Sender=" & Sender)
If UserClosed Then
If TerminateApp Then
mod_functions.writelog("main(), Activity_Pause, Terminating Application")
End If
End If
If Not(UserClosed) Then
End If
End Sub