I want to ad ADMOB to my new app. I never added ADS to any of my apps before, but it looks like the older ADMOB lib will stop being supported soon. So I am trying to incorporate Firebase into a new app using this tutorial:
But, I don't understand how to perform the BOLD lines below and was hoping for a little help in understanding how to do them:
2. Register with Firebase and create a new project: https://firebase.google.com/docs/
Make sure that the package name matches your app's package name. - I was able to create a new project, but I couldn't find anywhere in the "console" of where I would specify my app's package name.
3. Download google-services.json and put it in the projects folder (folder of the b4a file). - How/where do I download this file from?
But, I don't understand how to perform the BOLD lines below and was hoping for a little help in understanding how to do them:
2. Register with Firebase and create a new project: https://firebase.google.com/docs/
Make sure that the package name matches your app's package name. - I was able to create a new project, but I couldn't find anywhere in the "console" of where I would specify my app's package name.
3. Download google-services.json and put it in the projects folder (folder of the b4a file). - How/where do I download this file from?