Java Question Airpush Library - Coming Soon!


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Airpush Library - Out Now! (please beta test)

Hi folks,

I think I MIGHT have got the airpush thing right.

BUT, before i release the libraries, I could use a little help from the forum members.

Would you be able to download this stopwatch app:

StopWatch | SlideME

It would show and ad or two in notification area, please DO NOT click the ads. I am just checking if the library is working fine. You can use the clear all button in notification area to dismiss the ad.

If you restart your phone, the library would be unloaded from memory and you will not get anymore push ads from this.

Please report back, and if all is fine, I'll upload the library later today.

Thanks a bunch! :sign0089:

----------------- update -----------------------

Libraries attached... preparing another post on how to use!

Hang in there!!
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apology and apk

My apologies.. restarting the phone somehow still tries to launch the airplay thingy.. will need to work on that issue.

But do test and let me know... apk is now attached to this post


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hmm, this is gonna a bit tough to test as I am not sure if airpush will always send an ad the first time you run it.

my console shows some updates though, so I guess people are receiving the ads.

Oh, another thing, airpush is CPM based, not click based... so you will get the revenue whether the user clicks the ad or not. So go ahead, click the ads :D

Let me know if any ad shows...



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Hi ssg,

I tested briefly and yes a pushad came along only once.:sign0098:

But after that, I started the app several times and no ads
went to display.

note: wifi on and off

Hope you'll find the issue, Airpush rocks (whether the
user like it or not :D)



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Hi Asmoro,

Thank you very much for the feedback! Yes, the console on airpush also just updated the push ad count by 1, hehehe.. must be yours :D

You dont get multiple times ads because airpush controls the ads, and dont send too many times in one day. The max you can send a person is twice a day.

Anyway, you have confirmed the library works, let me compile a guide and post the libraries up for further testing.



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This is working for me:

Maybe it takes a little before start showing ads, but works :sign0142:


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Hi ssg,

Thanks again for your work, can't wait to use your lib.
But I have some major issue's to work on first.

Hmm, it seems that I have to read the Airpush doc. more seriously,
according your info.:signOops:



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How to use the library

Note: first post updated with the libraries

This is how you use the library.

No guarantees on it yet, as it might have some issues, like when you start your phone, there might be some process fail thing.

--- steps ----

Register at Airpush. Create a new app and get the AppId.

Download the Airpush sdk.

That should be it for Airpush side. Please note, they might take up to 24h to push your first ad.

Add the attached libraries and Airpush SDK to your extra libraries folder, and refresh or restart B4A.

Select both Airpush and MESAPLib.

Code in B4A:

Sub Globals
   Dim ap As APAdViewX
End Sub

Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
        ap.Initialize("ap", "12345") 'your appid, the event "ap" will not fire though
'there is an option to run test ads too
End Sub

In your manifest file:

<!-- Airpush Code Start-->
<activity android:name=""
<receiver android:name=""/>
<receiver android:name="" />
<receiver android:name="" />
<receiver android:name="<Package Name>.BootReceiver">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.BOOT_COMPLETED" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.HOME" />
<service android:name="">
<action android:name="<Your
<!-- Airpush Code End-->
* Please replace <Package Name> with your “package name”  and <Your appId> with your appid

Warning -> that bootloader thingy is something missing for now, i have no idea where to code that thing....

In manifest, permissions:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.VIBRATE"/>(Optional But
Highly recommended to enhance your revenue stream)

Hmm... that should be it.

Have fun, and please do feedback on how it goes for you!



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If library finally works ok, I hope so, I'll probably change some of my apps to Airpush, but I've some questions.
How often do I get paid?
Airpush pays developers net 30 after the end of each calendar month. Payment methods include check, wire transfer, or ACH's
Do any of you know what amount money do you need, in order to receive payout??


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Yes, I will release the libraries in the additional libraries forum once they seem a little more stable :D


Maybe it also would be nice if you give us a hint/tip where and when the ad should be displayed in the app together with the code implementation as an example.

Or is it something that Airpush put their own rules for that.


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Hi Asmoro,

The ads are displayed on the status bar, you do not need to work on that.

Somewhere on page 1 of this thread I have given the code.

For airpush, you only need to initialize the ad object, there is no need to add it into our activity or anything.

Hope that helps.
