Share My Creation Amazing Order Taking App : Source For Sale

Hello every one! :)
as always : back at it again and again ?
Starting off by thanking erel for making this possible :)

Today i bring an amazing app : Order Taking APP

The App is built in :
1- B4A
2- (Back-end)
3- Microsoft SQL database
4- Web service

You can use the app for supermarkets, restaurants or any type of business, you can even sell shoes as products !
You can even add promotions !
You can view the order location on google maps
You can control the status of the order
and many other features :)

Demo :
Backend Admin
Back-End Username : Admin
Back-End Password : 123

Android App :

The source code is for sale :)
The sources codes price is : 20$
i know it's very low but i love this community so why not ? ;)

fs-payment1 (1).png

If interested please contact me here or @ : [email protected]






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By the way, some legacy C# .NET 4.0 code and SQL queries with a lot of #temp tables written by my previous colleagues are even worst than pasta or whatsoever. Those "noodles" are separable but not the code I mentioned which is like a messy knotted rope balls with a timebomb bonded inside together with a dynamite attached on it made by a few amateur bomb makers with different level of skills. Can you imagine how to reverse the code to understand the logic. Not to mention about the simplest documentation in the world which doesn't do any help at all. :mad:
Sorry, for out of topic. :p
i know how you feel ? ?


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it would be fantastic if @Erel did a nice B4W simine to B4J that as soon as compiled, generates the necessary to use the app created on the ASP type WEB. but all with B4X code, take the compiled file, generate an html file that launches the file / App apoena generated and manageable by browse. I understand that I've oversimplified it, but BIG @Erel will give us this gift sooner or later.??


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it would be fantastic if @Erel did a nice B4W simine to B4J that as soon as compiled, generates the necessary to use the app created on the ASP type WEB. but all with B4X code, take the compiled file, generate an html file that launches the file / App apoena generated and manageable by browse. I understand that I've oversimplified it, but BIG @Erel will give us this gift sooner or later.??


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it would be fantastic if @Erel did a nice B4W simine to B4J that as soon as compiled, generates the necessary to use the app created on the ASP type WEB. but all with B4X code, take the compiled file, generate an html file that launches the file / App apoena generated and manageable by browse. I understand that I've oversimplified it, but BIG @Erel will give us this gift sooner or later.??
Something like BANano?


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it would be fantastic if @Erel did a nice B4W simine to B4J that as soon as compiled, generates the necessary to use the app created on the ASP type WEB. but all with B4X code, take the compiled file, generate an html file that launches the file / App apoena generated and manageable by browse. I understand that I've oversimplified it, but BIG @Erel will give us this gift sooner or later.??
there is ABMaterial and BANano but for me i didn't like it much because i didn't feel like am developing a web application, and they lack of alot of features

consider it done my friend, i have added it the list ;)


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is it really that simple how to use B4J? I tried to take a look at it some time ago and I "Wrapped" .. I will try to see it again ..


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is it really that simple how to use B4J? I tried to take a look at it some time ago and I "Wrapped" .. I will try to see it again ..
it has similarities to the B4A and B4I, start over and design a login page and connect it to a Microsoft SQL database.

once you do complete the above you have learnt the very very basic and you are on your way to greatness ;)


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@Xfood That is indeed exactly what my BANano (front-end: B4J to HTML/JavaScript/CSS) and BANanoServer (back-end using Jetty: B4J jServer) libraries do.
then I have to study it, you give me directions where to start, the link Master, so I try to study it. Thanks.


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then I have to study it, you give me directions where to start, the link Master, so I try to study it. Thanks.
BANano: (but searching for BANano will give you a lot of info)
BANanoServer: (but as this just an easy to use wrapper around the normal B4J jServer, all info on the forum on B4J's server apply)

Fun about it: everything you write is B4J code, no need for PHP, ASP, .NET, ...


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BANano: (but searching for BANano will give you a lot of info)
BANanoServer: (but as this just an easy to use wrapper around the normal B4J jServer, all info on the forum on B4J's server apply)

Fun about it: everything you write is B4J code, no need for PHP, ASP, .NET, ...
BTW how long did it take developing it ?


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The session expires after 20 minutes if there is no activity and resets
Easily configurable on the server side in B4J's jServer as it based on the rock solid Jetty Webserver. We have clients whose settings are set to 24 hours before expiring (way to long in my view, but that is what they wanted for their app). BANanoServer will even cache the complete B4J class, so even when the connection is lost for some time and the user reconnects, the class is recovered (with all its values) like nothing happened. Handy in some web apps that are used on the road where a stable WiFi connection is not guaranteed.

PayBills is exposed which means now the hacker know what function you use, and it's really bad to show the functions to the public
No problem at all if your server is setup correctly (e.g. against DOSS attacks) and you use the correct Authentication, filters etc over HTTPS. Jetty gives you some very powerful tools to do all that. After all, it is just another full blown Webserver like IIS, Apache, etc... And whatever technique you use, if your server is not protected enough, every system is vulnerable.

I really like the stuff you make and truly admire what you guys have presented over the last weeks! But don't tell people B4J is not powerful or secure enough and one has to use other languages to do so. We make pure B4J web apps for tens of thousands of users and it is more than fine.

Anyhow, looking forward to your next app presentation... :)



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But don't tell people B4J is not powerful or secure enough
Never did and never will, we have developed alot of B4J apps and it's amazing!
but we were talking about and the web applications :)

I really like the stuff you make and truly admire what you guys have presented over the last weeks!
looking forward to your next app presentation... :)

It's an honor and pleasure for us :)


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BTW how long did it take developing it ?
ABM and BANano are both on-going projects and are actively developed/used inhouse. They started as a hobby project I did after my day job hours because we did not find a suitable alternative on the market. Both had their first release probably after a month or so (because I believed they could be an asset to the B4X realm for everyone), and are growing every day. Hence my initial question what you though what was missing in BANano. Because if there is, I'm always keen to see if I can expand it in the next release ;)

I'm currently in the works to let one write B4J BANano code and easily use the generated JavaScript code in an ABM project (in other words: let them both communicate with each other). ABM has B4JS, but it is only considered to be a baby version of what BANano can do. It was a first experiment and the reason I decided to write BANano as a true B4J to Javascript Transpiler.

It's an honor and pleasure for us
I am planning on doing an article on you guys on my blog (, but haven't found the time for it yet. Too much to do, to little time...



Well-Known Member
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ABM and BANano are both on-going projects and are actively developed/used inhouse. They started as a hobby project I did after my day job hours because we did not find a suitable alternative on the market. Both had their first release probably after a month or so (because I believed they could be an asset to the B4X realm for everyone), and are growing every day. Hence my initial question what you though what was missing in BANano. Because if there is, I'm always keen to see if I can expand it in the next release ;)

I'm currently in the works to let one write B4J BANano code and easily use the generated JavaScript code in an ABM project (in other words: let them both communicate with each other). ABM has B4JS, but it is only considered to be a baby version of what BANano can do. It was a first experiment and the reason I decided to write BANano as a true B4J to Javascript Transpiler.
We let me tell you, you did a great job! :)

I am planning on doing an article on you guys on my blog (, but haven't found the time for it yet. Too much to do, to little time...

It's an honor :)