B4A Library Another customised version of JRDC2.

Hi Everybody,
this JRDC2 version contains a file transfer (took from comunity, but merged into JRDC2) + a small, but very useful addition consisting in the capability to send SQL text directly in the comand instead of hard coding in config file. If the name starts with "#" it consists in the text of SQL otherwise it is the sql. entry name.
A single line addition in JRD2 did the trick.
For example:
#select * from archive is directly the text of SQL
select recalls sql.select entry

Upload/download works as described in https://www.b4x.com/android/forum/t...p-to-your-b4j-server-over-the-internet.37201/

The JRD2 actually works with an ACCESS DB, since it must work with a procedure written in 2000 by us.


  • jrdc2-mauro.zip
    7.1 KB · Views: 469


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In my case db is on local lan, with a firewall filtering incoming requests. Of course hackers are just round the corner, so everybody must take his own countermeasures to void this. I think that a publicly accessible DB engine is always weak. Using different port than the default(like I do with Remote Desktop on my hosted servers, which is bombed by hackers at least 3000 times a day), confuses them. They know something il listening, but what is it?