It's complicated trying to get universal layouts to look good on all devices.
The designer script seems to go a long way to help but can anyone demonstrate something easy like say we have three panels.
One small square panel which will always appear up and to the left then two other panels which will appear depending on orientation as either:
Portrait: Two horizontal panels below
Lansdcape: One horizontal panel below and one vertical to the right
I think one has to be a master of layouts and it's almost like a whole language in it's own right
I'm getting there slowly and will post my results but meanwhile any examples would be most welcome.
The designer script seems to go a long way to help but can anyone demonstrate something easy like say we have three panels.
One small square panel which will always appear up and to the left then two other panels which will appear depending on orientation as either:
Portrait: Two horizontal panels below
Lansdcape: One horizontal panel below and one vertical to the right
I think one has to be a master of layouts and it's almost like a whole language in it's own right
I'm getting there slowly and will post my results but meanwhile any examples would be most welcome.