Anyone knows why girls and boys are equal?


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I mean in numbers.. Well they are not 100% equal but near that.. But why? I am not buying theory of probability in explaing this.. If you depart from actual counting then anything should be possible, especially not flipping a coin by the same person. Is there a universal family planning carried out by supreme government?


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All eggs have an X chromosome. Sperm can have an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, this will create either an XY pattern or an XX pattern. The former will produce a boy, the latter a girl. Sperm are created in X and Y variants in equal amounts, so the probability that an X-containing sperm fertilizes an egg is the same as that of a Y-containing sperm. To put it in B4X terms:
Public Const XY As Int = 1
Public Const XX As Int = 0
Dim fertilizedEgg As Int = Rnd(0,100) Mod 2
If fertilizedEgg==XX Then
Else If fertilizedEgg==XY Then
End If
Wait For NineMonths

Put this code in a loop. Run it 7.6 billion times. You'll see that you get pretty close to a 50/50 split.


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Public Const XY As Int = 1
Public Const XX As Int = 0
Dim fertilizedEgg As Int = Rnd(0,100) Mod 2
If fertilizedEgg==XX Then
Else If fertilizedEgg==XY Then
End If
Wait For NineMonths

Is this a Resumable Sub Sample???


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All eggs have an X chromosome. Sperm can have an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, this will create either an XY pattern or an XX pattern. The former will produce a boy, the latter a girl. Sperm are created in X and Y variants in equal amounts, so the probability that an X-containing sperm fertilizes an egg is the same as that of a Y-containing sperm. To put it in B4X terms:
Public Const XY As Int = 1
Public Const XX As Int = 0
Dim fertilizedEgg As Int = Rnd(0,100) Mod 2
If fertilizedEgg==XX Then
Else If fertilizedEgg==XY Then
End If
Wait For NineMonths

Put this code in a loop. Run it 7.6 billion times. You'll see that you get pretty close to a 50/50 split.

Your solution cannot be generalized. It may be true in one couple, a husband and wife who produce a baby every second for 10 years. But how about those families who have 10 girls and no boy? The average family has about 3 to 5 kids.. Your solutions needs the birth be repeated thousands of times .
And then!
If one family has 10 boys.. the question is who balances the sexes by making other families give birth to more girls? You will need to put your equation in a server and network all families of the world.


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All eggs have an X chromosome. Sperm can have an X chromosome or a Y chromosome. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, this will create either an XY pattern or an XX pattern. The former will produce a boy, the latter a girl. Sperm are created in X and Y variants in equal amounts, so the probability that an X-containing sperm fertilizes an egg is the same as that of a Y-containing sperm. To put it in B4X terms:
Public Const XY As Int = 1
Public Const XX As Int = 0
Dim fertilizedEgg As Int = Rnd(0,100) Mod 2
If fertilizedEgg==XX Then
Else If fertilizedEgg==XY Then
End If
Wait For NineMonths

Put this code in a loop. Run it 7.6 billion times. You'll see that you get pretty close to a 50/50 split.
Please note that the RND command does not actually produce random verminous numbers.
In fact, some programmers to generate random numbers create algorithms that add variables that depend on the time, the gps eccc ... All unpredictable factors that could generate a random number and not programmed.

I mean in numbers.. Well they are not 100% equal but near that.. But why? I am not buying theory of probability in explaing this.. If you depart from actual counting then anything should be possible, especially not flipping a coin by the same person. Is there a universal family planning carried out by supreme government?

In any case, even if the births are 50% and 50% then life puts things right, men die before women and the number of women in the world is much higher than those of men.

Some justify stating that women although I do have weaker physical constitution are actually more resistant and stronger (even if it is called weaker sex) others say that men suffer so much from women who eventually die before :p

Who knows what the truth is... :D


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The solution absolutely can be generalized. There is no mention in the code of who generated the sperm or the egg and it doesn't matter. Every fertilization event is an independent occurrence. If you run the loop 7.6 billion times, you will see long strings of consecutive boys and long strings of consecutive girls. There is no "organization" between the two that balances them out. It is just that they are both equally likely so they will happen equally as often. You can demonstrate this to yourself by performing the following experiment: run the loop 7.6 billion times as it is. Then switch the values of the constants so that XX=1 and XY=0 and run it 7.6 billion times, again. You will get results with the same statistical properties as before. This symmetry under the switching operation demands that the results we see have the statistical properties we see. And we did not need to enforce any balance, ourselves (nor could we have).

As for the RND command, that is irrelevant to our example. All we need is a command that will produce a 1 as often as it will produce a 0. We could use this instead of RND:
Dim fertilizedEgg As Int = DateTime.Now Mod 2
and the results would have the same statistical properties.

Star-Dust, you are right that the sex split is not perfectly 50/50. Women very slightly outnumber men and you are correct that this is because women slightly outlive men, not that boys and girls are born at different rates. The reason that women slightly outlive men is mostly attributed to the fact that men, on average, engage in much more risky behavior than women. But again, this is a separate issue.


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Would you consider a couple having one boy and then one girl a strange occurrence? If not, then you should not consider having 1 son and 3 daughters a strange occurrence. They are exactly equally as probable: 1/4.


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Would you consider a couple having one boy and then one girl a strange occurrence? If not, then you should not consider having 1 son and 3 daughters a strange occurrence. They are exactly equally as probable: 1/4.

I can only understand a random function if built on the following.
1. Digitize environment noise from different locations at random intervals, not crystal frequency, because the time between birth of children is not the same even in one family.

2. Put the resultant numbers in two columns.. Odd numbers on one column and the even on the other and count them.


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we born on equal proportions 50/50

but for several reasons the proportion is modified after we are born, in mexico there are more girls than boys. ratio (51/49 not much)

in other countries such as india and china (making the global proportion vary greatly) boys have greater numbers, but this is because of a social event not natural.


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The fact is that we can not say that the choice of sex in DNA happens in an absolutely random way.

The cells follow their "programming" contained in the chromosomes, algorithm whose source code we do not know. On the other hand, many believers claim to know the developer :p


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The fact is that we can not say that the choice of sex in DNA happens in an absolutely random way.

The cells follow their "programming" contained in the chromosomes, algorithm whose source code we do not know. On the other hand, many believers claim to know the developer :p



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On the other hand, many believers claim to know the developer :p

You can't believe in something and know it at the same time. to believe means to accept something as a reality without knowing what it is.
But scientists do not research randomly! they must have good reason.. e.g. they observe some odd behavior in matter, they don't
know what it is but they believe in some reason (concept), they do the research to prove it, then it becomes what they call knowledge.
All scientists and researchers are basically believers.. if you know something then you don't need to research it, do you?
Others are the same.. you go to McDonald's and order a hamburger because you believe in the government health regulations and happily
eat the sandwich.
Back to the issue..


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Even the sperm who succeeds to penetrate the egg is programmed to win.
As Einstein said, God doesn't play dice. You don't need to be a believer in personal God to observe that there's intelligence and there's a goal.


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Einstein knowledge led him to believe in an intelligence

Observation, not knowledge. Knowledge is achieved through experiments.
Observation, concept building (believing), experimenting and lastly knowing.

Anyways, I agree with and we can postpone this. The original question continues though.


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you go to McDonald's and order a hamburger because you believe in the government health regulations and happily
eat the sandwich
Huh? Who believes just because the FDA (in USA) "approved" the burger that it is healthy? I do hope that most of the time the FDA gets it right and that the stuff I buy won't outright kill me. Now if I consume too much, well that is another story...


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Huh? Who believes just because the FDA (in USA) "approved" the burger that it is healthy? I do hope that most of the time the FDA gets it right and that the stuff I buy won't outright kill me. Now if I consume too much, well that is another story...

Well, ask the people from New York.. How many of them reads the lengthy nutrition list.
Hope = believe .. Jumping in the waters blindfolded.

Not talking about consuming too much.. Just one hamburger. You don't know what the cow ate or it was beef.. How it was cooked.. what added, what removed...etc. You believe in fda and city health authorities. You only have to decide to pay with cash or CC. When you ride a taxi you believe in DMV doesn't give licenses to crazy drivers or criminals. All our life is about believing. We do not know a single reality of anything.