Android Question Aras Innovator application


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I am trying to write a simple application that requests some information from an Aras Innovator database. The Aras manual mentions the use of a IOM.Android.dll in Xamarin.

I copy from the manual

"A RT version of IOM.Android.dll can be found in the \Utilities\Aras Innovator
<Version> IOM SDK\Android directory on the CD Image. You can copy it to another
location and reference it by an Android App using Xamarin’s existing framework to generate
an Android project. IOM APIs belong to Aras.IOM namespace. First, every application must
create a connection with the Aras Innovator server and login to the server using the
connection. If the login succeeds then create an instance of class Innovator with the

The code suggested in the manual is:

Imports Aras.IOM
Dim server As String = "http://localhost/InnovatorServer"
Dim db As String = "DatabaseName"
Dim username As String = "Username"
Dim password As String = "password"
Dim connection As HttpServerConnection = IomFactory.CreateHttpServerConnection(server, db, username, password)
Dim user As Item = connection.LoginAsync
If user.isError Then
Throw New Exception(user.getErrorString)
End If

I will very much appreciate help with a way to access it from B4A?
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Longtime User
Thank you for your prompt reply.

No, the only alternative they supply is the use of SOAP, I quote from the manual:
Although not normally suggested, it is possible to circumvent IOM and use SOAP requests to interact with
Aras Innovator. You may use the Microsoft XMLHTTP Object to send the AML to the Aras Innovator
The following is a VBScript example:
Dim innovatorServer
innovatorServer =
Dim database: database = "innovator81"
Dim loginName: loginName = "admin"
Dim password: password = "607920b64fe136f9ab2389e371852af2" 'MD5 hash of the
Dim soapStart: soapStart = _
"<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-
ENV='' " &_
Dim soapEnd: soapEnd = "</SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>"
Dim soapAction: soapAction = "ApplyItem"
Dim body: body = "<Item type='User' action='get' select='login_name'/>"
Dim soap
soap = soapStart & "<" & SOAPAction & " xmlns:m=''>"
body & "</" & soapAction & ">" & soapEnd
Dim http: Set http = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP") "POST", innovatorServer, false
http.setRequestHeader "SOAPaction", soapAction
http.setRequestHeader "AUTHUSER", loginName
http.setRequestHeader "AUTHPASSWORD", password
http.setRequestHeader "DATABASE", database
Dim response: response = http.responseText
Dim responseDom: Set responseDom = CreateObject("microsoft.xmldom")
Dim userItems: Set userItems =
Wscript.Echo "Number of users: " & userItems.Length
soapAction = "logoff"
body = "logoff"
soap = soapStart & "<" & SOAPAction & " xmlns:m=''>"
body & "</" & soapAction & ">" & soapEnd "POST", InnovatorServer, false
http.setRequestHeader "SOAPaction", soapAction
http.setRequestHeader "AUTHUSER", loginName
http.setRequestHeader "AUTHPASSWORD", password
http.setRequestHeader "DATABASE", database
But I am lost in the line

Dim password: password = "607920b64fe136f9ab2389e371852af2" 'MD5 hash of the

Can you help me with this "MD5 hash of the password"
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Longtime User
Sorry but I cannot find the library, the library i have B4Xencryption does not have the MessageDigest. I see that it is Andrew Graham´s library but cant find where to get it.

Would you please send the link to the library, I can´t find it
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