zipping seems to take forever. But the file is not that big. zipdone is never reached.
Thank you
zipping seems to take forever. But the file is not that big. zipdone is never reached.
Sub Globals
Dim ar As ArchiverEnd Sub
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
If FirstTime Then startit
end sub
Sub startit
Dim Arr(1) As String
Arr(0)=Main.photonumber & ".dat"
Dim i As Int
i=ar.ZipFiles (Main.outdir,Arr,Main.outdir,Main.photonumber & ".zip","zipend")
Log (i)
End Sub
Sub zipend_ZipProgression (count As Int, Filename As String)
Log ("zip " & count & " " & Filename)
' never comes here
ToastMessageShow ("Zipping " & Filename,False)
End Sub
Sub zipend_zipdone (completedwithouterror As Boolean, nbOfFiles As Int)
' never comes here
Msgbox (completedwithouterror,nbOfFiles)
End Sub
Thank you