Wish B4A native Linux.


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Is it posible, that we can see B4A in Linux? At last on major distros like Ubuntu, Mint, RedHat, PCLinuxOS, Suse?
It would be nice not to boot out -> boot in every time.
Especially in case, if I have two comps without windows at all.


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Let me start by saying that I have been a linux dev since 1994, and I think it is the best over all OS out there. The problem is that Linux is a very small desktop market mostly used by geeks, nerds, system administrators, and those that want to brag. Virtually all retail software houses have stopped developing for Linux because the users are spoiled and will not buy software. This is made worse by the GPL licenses of recent years and the federations enthusiasm to sue developers as a means to make money. Linux has cut it's own throat, and until they change the rules and allow developers to make money without publishing source code, it will stay a closet OS.

Mostly though, it takes a long time to port something like b4x to linux, and it is simply not a good return on investment proposition, and the hassle of supporting 2 code bases.

--- Jem
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Ah, sorry, missed that.

Have you tried Wine? It runs most of the things I throw at it, some of them even 2-3 times faster than native Windows.

Edit: Though, I must say, that, even though I love Linux a lot and despise Windows even more, I feel that I prefer that the work put into B4A is aimed at increasing WHAT I can build, not WHERE I can build it. I can live with Windows, if that makes B4A a more powerful tool for me.
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Hey, guys, I'm talking about a 'wish'. There could be any reason for you to wish it. There is no discussion about Linux or Windows polices, licenses etc. Every specific case has a specific reasons. I can live with Windows either. And I can live with Linux as I mentioned. It's just in Linux I feel safe and free, in Windows I have a power of applications: free_as_freedom and proprietary, free_as_beer and payd. In Linux there is a proprietary software that costs money, but the market is small, I understand that. But still... there is some. I didn't tried Wine yet, just I prefer do things in its native environment if it is possible.


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here, you can try on ubuntu, install script works perfectly; i'm at this moment on the arch linux, and it works too (i did manual install of needed software), no problems at all, i can run apps even on the android emulator for linux (not geanymotion), and i'm happy with results :)


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Wine is really simple to use, just install the Wine package and associate exe files with Wine, then you can run Windows programs just like in Windows.

I've not yet seen any mentionable performance loss (except games), and in some cases even a huge performance gain (3D rendering that was three times as fast). A few programs might require a little bit of tweaking, but most just run.


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Let me start by saying that I have been a linux dev since 1994... ....Linux is a very small desktop market mostly used by geeks, nerds, system administrators, and those that want to brag...

--- Jem

Wich one are you?? (You must have seen it coming! !) ;)


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Ubuntu is very popular amongst coders

I have used it for several years as my main OS, no defrag, no virus issues, no microsoft moments

It can lack driver support but generally once something is setup that is that

Also I have not managed to get wine & B4A to play ball yet having tried manual instal I will try the batch script

I can even play ARMA2 in wine, so if we can nail wine & B4A compatibility there is no need for a linux port

All my windows dev I do in virtualbox which is where I am using B4A at present but on my host OS would be much better


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Just thought I'd add my voice to this....

I've made the transition over to purely running Linux on my laptop and desktop. The only Windows app left is B4A which I run in a virtual machine for now. A solution to have it running under WINE or natively would be great but I'm guessing it's a long way down the roadmap....