Other Basic4android v3.20 is released


B4X founder
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I'm happy to release B4A v3.20.

This version includes many important improvements:
  • Visual designer
    • Anchors feature - makes it easier to target multiple screen sizes. See this short video.
    • Copy & paste - work both inside the layout or between different layouts.
    • Undo / redo feature.
    • The views are organized in a tree for easier navigation.
    • AutoScaleAll keyword now works with all variants, not just the "standard" variant.
    • Colors fields can be copied and the colors values can be pasted or directly typed.
    • Designer script find / replace dialog.
    • The grid is saved in the layout file.
    • Landscape / Portrait designer keywords to test the current orientation.
    • UI Cloud threshold reduced to 10 seconds.
  • #AdditionalRes attribute - Makes it possible to wrap Android library projects (projects with resources). See this example: jfeinstein10 SlidingMenu library
  • Sync button in the Files tab - Syncs the project files with the Files folder.
  • Modules added to the Find Sub / Module tool (Ctrl + E).
  • Tabs order in the IDE is preserved.
  • Modules files that were not modified will not be saved thus preserving the correct time stamp.
  • DateTime.SetTimeZone now accepts a Double instead of Int.
  • Shortcuts: F11 - Restart (rapid debugger), F2 in the designer connects to the device.
  • JavaObject v1.00 - new RunMethodJO / GetFieldJO methods.
  • Bug fixes and other minor improvements.

Users who are eligible for a free upgrade should receive an email with the download link. Please allow up to 12 hours for the mail to arrive.
Other users should receive a mail with a discount offer (it will be sent tomorrow).

I would like to thank the beta testers for their help with the continuing development of Basic4android.
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Quick question, although I'm sure I already know the answer:

As always, I'm in the midst of an update to my app and don't need any surprises... I know that once I save a layout I can't reopen in an older version but I assume it won't do anything to the layouts I have? While I look forward to playing with the new anchor feature, now isn't the time for my complicated layouts to unexpectedly get messed up. :confused:

P.S. The update sounds great!
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B4X founder
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A note about AutoScaleAll. In previous versions AutoScaleAll always scaled the layouts based on the device physical size and the "standard variant" (320x480, scale = 1). It was only meaningful (per design) to call AutoScaleAll with the standard variant.

Starting from v3.20 AutoScaleAll works with other variants as well. For example if you create a tablet variant and then load it on a phone device then the views will become smaller. This is the correct behavior.

However if you already have a working layout and used AutoScaleAll with a non-standard variant then the layout will be scaled differently now.
If you like you can force the auto scaling to preserve the old behavior. This is done with this code:
Dim jo As JavaObject
jo.InitializeStatic("java.lang.System").RunMethod("setProperty", Array As Object("autoscaleall_old_behaviour", "true"))
You should run it before loading the layout file.
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Well-Known Member
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Hi Erel,

I would like to thank you again for this exciting software. The v3.2 is a great improvement as it is more easy to design the interface
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Active Member
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Great work, Erel. In spite of producing B4J recently, you still keep adding brilliant features to an already great product, B4A!!
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Sidnei Nardo

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Gostei muito deste aplicativo.. muito bom mesmo.. é uma pena que no Brasil não tenha quase empresas que o utilize, ai não consigo emprego, tenho que usar apenas para serviços esporádicos. mas a ferramenta é muito boa mesmo!
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Erel, it's inconceivable the utility of a scrollbar feature in designer window, and not only for me. I should start another B4A project pretty soon where this feature would be too much useful and could make me save a lot of time and mental efforts (i repeat not only for me i guess).

Try to look if you can implement it without too much fatigue and quickly please.

Thank you for your job.
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