Do you have the characteristic with Assigned number = 0x2A37 in the Characteristics map?
If yes, the problem is only to read the value. As you can see with Bluepixel, the property is "Notification" only. If you try to read it, you will receive a Null. You can only expect for the DataAvailable event.
For the battery characteristic, the property is "Notification" and "Read", so you can read any times you want or expect for the event. Both works.
And for having the DataAvailable event, you may call manager.SetNotify with the Characteristic string (After connexion)
If you call SetNotify twice, you must wait at least 100ms between calls. This is explained in an other post. Begin calling it only for the "beats per minute" characteristic. It works
You can have more information
Enable or disable notifications is the Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor (CCCD). I think that
manager.SetNotify is the responsible to manage this, so do not worry about this.