

I am writing a program which i want to be able to scan for bluetooth devices these devices i want to see on the screen ,this scanning i want a timer count down on so once it has reached zero it will be able to send any data. This data which has been choosen to send will also have a count down time on it .Then it must scan again please help .The data sent must be put into an outbox.
Few things left to do and i know this will be my hardest thing to do
Please let me know if anyone can help .All the other bluetooth items i have read and nothing shows how to do anyting like i want
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When the other bluetooth devices are found i want the software to automaticaly send to every bluetooth device .:sign0085:


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It is possible in WM, so a .dll could be written to use with Basic4ppc.
I for one won't be trying to make the .dll :sign0148:

Note the author of the program dropped the project,
due to changes of the laws in the country he lives in.

I don't know what the law changes were but i'm keeping away :)

btCrawler - Bluetooth Diagnostic Tool


Hi here in the UK and some european countrys this sort of bluetooth application is call proximity marketing and is in use .I have nearly finshed my application but need to open a outlook folder to select file or files to be sent plus open the bluetooth to send any files to which a mobile device can receive. I have purchased software of the same but want it to do more but there is a cost for the company who programsed the software.:sign0104: