Here is some sample code to calculate distance between two points:
Can we add this to the gps.dll?
Sub getDistanceKM(lat1, long1, lat2, long2)
rlat1 = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * lat1
rlong1 = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * long1
rlat2 = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * lat2
rlong2 = DEGREES_TO_RADIANS * long2
' There is no real reason To break this lot into
' 4 statements but I just feel it's a little more
' readable.
p1 = Cos(rlat1) * Cos(rlong1) * Cos(rlat2) * Cos(rlong2)
p2 = Cos(rlat1) * Sin(rlong1) * Cos(rlat2) * Sin(rlong2)
p3 = Sin(rlat1) * Sin(rlat2)
ret = p1 + p2 + p3
If ret = 1 Then Return 0
ret = ACos(ret)
ret = ret * EARTH_RADIUS
Return ret
End Sub
Can we add this to the gps.dll?