Android Question calling visual basic webservice with parameters using b4a


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Licensed User
Please help me out i wanted to call web service which i have created in my android app

using parameters example
showing showing one customer
inserting a customer into the SQLServer Database
Deleting one customer from the Database
attached are my files


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Licensed User
Longtime User
What is the question? Do you get any errors?

Please do not expect someone to install and run your app/ parts and revise your code or write the subs for you as it takes a lot of time. You can post it in the jobs-subforum and pay someone then.

Better: Run your app and post the EXACT problem you have (code with code tags, no files until asked for). Then we will help you 24/7. Start with a simple call. If that works, go further. Use the search function for asp here (I think there are posts).
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Marc Harbeson

New Member
Licensed User
Hope this helps some get to the finish line faster. There is a Webservice Video which is where I got most of this from -- Erel is a very good teacher -- its just .NET SOAP XML is horrible to parse IMO...
Having just went thru this exercise I would provide you my example. I'm attempting to use Classes to contain as much of the interface as I can so it "feels" like .NET

The example I am showing here returns some elements of a menu system containing both a Menu Header and a Menu Detail datatable as a Dataset.

I found that using XML for SOAP web service parsing "too large a mountain to climb" and elected to modify my web service to "also return JSON string" for the dataset which is quite easy using Newtonsoft on the .NET side...

Also, on the web server I am using .NET classes to contain the response - well it made since to me... so its a complex result set (gets more complex with datasets with multiple tables).

Since I also have native PPC and PC application clients, I can't change it - but can add the JSON to it...

Example Class to Setup the consumption of the web service:
Sub Class_Globals
    Public MenuID As String
    Public ErrorFlag As Boolean
    Public ErrorMessage As String
    Dim MenuJSON As String
    Public MenuDetail As List
    Public MenuHeader As List
    ' Controls
    Public ParseError As Boolean
    Public ParseErrorMsg As String
End Sub

'Initializes the object. You can add parameters to this method if needed.
Public Sub Initialize
    ParseError = False
    ParseErrorMsg = ""
End Sub

public Sub getRequestXML As String
    Return $"<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="">
    <ReturnMenu xmlns="">
End Sub

public Sub ParseXml(XmlString As String)
    Dim x2m As Xml2Map
    ' extract base document root
    Dim root As Map
    If x2m.Parse(XmlString) Is Map Then
        root = x2m.Parse(XmlString)
        ParseError = True
        ParseErrorMsg = "Missing Document Root"
    End If
    ' extract base document root
    Dim envelope As Map
    If root.Get("Envelope") Is Map Then
        envelope = root.Get("Envelope")
        ParseError = True
        ParseErrorMsg = "Soap Envelope Missing"
    End If
    ' extract soap body
    Dim body As Map
    If envelope.Get("Body") Is Map Then
        body = envelope.Get("Body")
        ParseError = True
        ParseErrorMsg = "Soap Body Missing"
    End If
    ' extract Environment from Response
    Dim MenuResponse As Map
    If  body.Get("ReturnMenuResponse") Is Map Then
        MenuResponse = body.Get("ReturnMenuResponse")
        ParseError = True
        ParseErrorMsg = "Menu Response is missing from Soap Envelope"
    End If
    ' extract environment from response
    Dim MenuTransaction As Map
    If MenuResponse.Get("MenuTransaction") Is Map Then
        MenuTransaction = MenuResponse.Get("MenuTransaction")
        ParseError = True
        ParseErrorMsg = "MenuTransaction is missing from Menu Response"
    End If
    ' Extract Individual Attributes
    'ClientBuild = Environment.Get("ClientBuild")
    MenuID = MenuTransaction.Get("MenuID")
    ErrorFlag = MenuTransaction.Get("ErrorFlag")
    ErrorMessage = MenuTransaction.Get("ErrorMessage")
    MenuJSON = MenuTransaction.Get("MenuDSJson")
    Dim parser As JSONParser
    Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
    MenuDetail = root.Get("MenuDetail")
    MenuHeader = root.Get("MenuHeader")
End Sub

Sample using the class
Sub LoadMenu(MenuID As String)
   Dim MenuTxn As clsMenuTransaction
   MenuTxn.MenuID = MenuID
   Dim j As HttpJob

   j.PostString(Globals.WebServerPath & "server.asmx", MenuTxn.RequestXML )
   j.GetRequest.SetContentType("text/xml; charset=utf-8")
   wait for (j) jobdone(j As HttpJob)
   If j.Success Then
       If MenuTxn.ParseError Then
           Msgbox("Parse Error: " & MenuTxn.ParseErrorMsg,"Login Error")
       End If
       Msgbox("Error Communicating with Web Server: " & j.ErrorMessage,"Login Error")
   End If
   For Each colMenuHeader As Map In MenuTxn.MenuHeader
       lblMenu.Text  = "Menu: " & colMenuHeader.Get("MenuTitle")
       For Each colMenuDetail As Map In MenuTxn.MenuDetail
End Sub

The .NET class
   Public Class MenuTransaction
        Inherits cError
        Private iMenuID As String
        Private iMenuDS As DataSet
        Public MenuID As String
        Public MenuDataSet As DataSet
        Public MenuDSJson As String
    End Class

The .NET method that creates the response:
    Public Sub gReturnMenu(ByRef MenuTransaction As GlobalClassLib.GlobalClassLib.MenuTransaction)
        With MenuTransaction
            Dim SqlString As String = "SELECT * FROM MenuMaster_Header WHERE MenuID = '" & .MenuID & "'"
            Dim TempDS As DataSet = WMSReturnDataset(SqlString, .ErrorFlag, .ErrorMessage)
            If .ErrorFlag Then GoTo ExitSub
            If TempDS.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then
                .ErrorFlag = True
                .ErrorMessage = "Invalid Menu " & .MenuID
                If .ErrorFlag Then GoTo ExitSub
            End If

            Dim ActiveFlag As Boolean = TempDS.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item("ActiveFlag")

            If Not (ActiveFlag) Then
                .ErrorFlag = True
                .ErrorMessage = "RM-1000: Menu is not enabled"
                If .ErrorFlag Then GoTo ExitSub
            End If
            TempDS.Tables(0).TableName = "MenuHeader"
            .MenuDataSet = TempDS
            '            .MenuDataSet.Tables.Add(TempDS.Tables(0).Copy)

            Dim x As String = TempDS.Tables(0).TableName
            SqlString = "SELECT * FROM MenuMaster_Items WHERE MenuID = '" & .MenuID & "' AND Enabled = 1 ORDER BY SortOrder"
            TempDS = NovoReturnDataset(SqlString, .ErrorFlag, .ErrorMessage)
            If .ErrorFlag Then GoTo ExitSub

            If TempDS.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then
                .ErrorFlag = True
                .ErrorMessage = .MenuID & " contains no menu items."
                If .ErrorFlag Then GoTo ExitSub
            End If
            TempDS.Tables(0).TableName = "MenuDetail"
            .MenuDSJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(.MenuDataSet, Formatting.Indented)
        End With
    End Sub

Hope this helps some folks...
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