Cannot Scan Barcodes Using a Samsung Galaxy Tab2 Tablet


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Longtime User
Although I can scan barcodes using the Motorola Razr phone, albeit not as well as a laser scanner, it was impossible with the tablet rear camera (3 Mpixels). Has anybody succeeded in scanning barcodes using a tablet. If so could you please explain how in terms of software or hardware requirements.
Thank you very much


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Longtime User
You must have a magic touch NJDude. I tried again even using Xzing software scanning using the Galaxy Tab2 7 inch without any success. It has a 3 Mpixel rear camera. It does not look like it has any focus. The image is very blurred. Is there a setting that needs changed? Do you have a better Mpixel camera perhaps on your 10 inch? I tried all kinds of codes (normally I use code 128) even on beer bottles, flat sheets , laminated, non laminated. It just does not do it. Any other ideas?
Thank you
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Licensed User
Longtime User
OK, Thanks NJDude. I can see why. I am known to be a little shaky, but not that shaky. I did manage to get my hand of a Nexus 7 tablet and was able to scan using its front view camera (1.2MP). But it is not as intuitive as using a rear view camera. Can someone recommend a very reliable 7 inch tablet with a rear view camera that rarely fails or does not require too much hand coordination.
Thanks again
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