Some more alternatives at great prices:
I'm probably going for this one, if a better doesn't come along in the next few weeks: . I like the sleek look with minimalistic controls and large screen.
Anyone who knows if there is a good overhead mounted Android car computer? I've bought a Chevrolet Suburban, and the previous owner had a overhead DVD player, and that means that there's a hole in the ceiling which I want to put to good use. Of course, I could put another DVD there (such as this: ), but why stop with that if you can get an Android device?
Also, as several people seems to be interested in Android car computers, I'm on my way to start up a community project for an app for exactly that purpose. I've realized that I can't an expert on everything, there are many needed specialities (basic framework, graphics, navigation, OBD2, Bluetooth, networking, media playback and so on), and it's a big project. So, I thought I'd sit down and make the basic framework where it's easy to make "plugins" for things like navigation, video, audiobooks et cetera, and the framework takes care of as much of the practical details as possible (most of the GUI, settings, logins, communication within the program, color schemes and so on), and a few example plugins and plugins that I can do well. Hopefully, others will be inspired and do what they are experts on. With any luck, we'll get a good product on a market that is about to become extremely big soon.
I'm not quite ready to go public with the code and the Foundation framework for a while yet, but have patience.
If you are interested, of the project, of my ideas for car computer features (many of them, I think, are not only new, but also extremely useful and imaginative) or the framework, read about it on my project wiki: . Login in with:
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