I'm getting an exception:
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Sub Send_Upload signature does not match expected signature.
When calling a sub that is in a service module.
The sub in the service module:
And the where it is called from my activity:
Caused by: java.lang.Exception: Sub Send_Upload signature does not match expected signature.
When calling a sub that is in a service module.
The sub in the service module:
Sub Send_Upload(oType As Byte, oData() As Byte)
Dim oHeader(5) As Byte
Dim oChk(1) As Byte
Dim cnt As Int = 0
Dim sz As Int = 0
sz = oData.Length + 1
oHeader(0) = -91
oHeader(1) = 90
oHeader(2) = sz/256
oHeader(3) = sz Mod 256
oHeader(4) = oType
oChk(0) = Bit.Xor(oChk(0),oType)
Do While cnt < sz-1
oChk(0) = Bit.Xor(oChk(0),oData(cnt))
cnt = cnt + 1
If sz > 1 Then
End If
End Sub
And the where it is called from my activity:
Sub SendUpload
sendbuf = Serialize(FullUpload)
CallSub3(Unit_Comms,"Send_Upload", "200","sendbuf")
End Sub