Android Question Checkbox value post with http2utils


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Hi all,

i have a layout in which i insert data to post to a web admin area
Data is a checkbox which can be set True (selected) or false (not selected)

Than a button containing this code

in this way

If checkbox1.Checked=True Then
End If

Jobregister.Initialize("Jobregister", Me)
Jobregister.PostString("", "x_checkbox=" & valoregi)

Input type into webpage register.asp is

<input type="checkbox" data-field="x_checkbox" name="x_checkbox" id="x_checkbox" value="1">
if checkbox is not selected

if it is selected code into looks like
<input type="checkbox" data-field="x_checkbox" name="x_checkbox" id="x_checkbox" value="1" checked="checked">

but it doesn't work, i cannot transmit to website (and update my web database)

Could you please suggest me the way to solve my problem?


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Hi Erel, yes, register.asp holds the form but the code inside is a little bit more complex than the one i showed in my post

The request is

Jobregister.Initialize("Jobregister", Me)
Jobregister.PostString("", "t=Tabella1" & "&a_register=A" & "&x_Cognome=" & cogreg.Text & "&x_Nome=" & nomereg.Text & "&x_Username=" & userreg.Text & "&x_Password=" & passreg.Text & "&c_Password=" & cogreg.Text & "&x_zEmail=" & mailreg.Text & "&x_Registrato_a_Sisal3Fl=" & valoregi)

and the code of the form is

<form name="fregister" id="fregister" class="ewForm form-horizontal" action="<%= ew_CurrentPage %>" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="t" value="Tabella1">
<input type="hidden" name="a_register" id="a_register" value="A">
<table cellspacing="0" class="ewGrid"><tr><td>
<table id="tbl_register" class="table table-bordered table-striped">
<% If Tabella1.Cognome.Visible Then ' Cognome %>
    <tr id="r_Cognome">
        <td><span id="elh_Tabella1_Cognome"><%= Tabella1.Cognome.FldCaption %></span></td>
        <td<%= Tabella1.Cognome.CellAttributes %>>
<span id="el_Tabella1_Cognome" class="control-group">
<input type="text" data-field="x_Cognome" name="x_Cognome" id="x_Cognome" size="30" maxlength="255" placeholder="<%= Tabella1.Cognome.PlaceHolder %>" value="<%= Tabella1.Cognome.EditValue %>"<%= Tabella1.Cognome.EditAttributes %>>
<%= Tabella1.Cognome.CustomMsg %></td>
<% End If %>
<% If Tabella1.Nome.Visible Then ' Nome %>
    <tr id="r_Nome">
        <td><span id="elh_Tabella1_Nome"><%= Tabella1.Nome.FldCaption %></span></td>
        <td<%= Tabella1.Nome.CellAttributes %>>
<span id="el_Tabella1_Nome" class="control-group">
<input type="text" data-field="x_Nome" name="x_Nome" id="x_Nome" size="30" maxlength="255" placeholder="<%= Tabella1.Nome.PlaceHolder %>" value="<%= Tabella1.Nome.EditValue %>"<%= Tabella1.Nome.EditAttributes %>>
<%= Tabella1.Nome.CustomMsg %></td>
<% End If %>
<% If Tabella1.Data_di_Nascita.Visible Then ' Data di Nascita %>
    <tr id="r_Data_di_Nascita">
        <td><span id="elh_Tabella1_Data_di_Nascita"><%= Tabella1.Data_di_Nascita.FldCaption %></span></td>
        <td<%= Tabella1.Data_di_Nascita.CellAttributes %>>
<span id="el_Tabella1_Data_di_Nascita" class="control-group">
<input type="text" data-field="x_Data_di_Nascita" name="x_Data_di_Nascita" id="x_Data_di_Nascita" placeholder="<%= Tabella1.Data_di_Nascita.PlaceHolder %>" value="<%= Tabella1.Data_di_Nascita.EditValue %>"<%= Tabella1.Data_di_Nascita.EditAttributes %>>
<%= Tabella1.Data_di_Nascita.CustomMsg %></td>
<% End If %>
<% If Tabella1.Username.Visible Then ' Username %>
    <tr id="r_Username">
        <td><span id="elh_Tabella1_Username"><%= Tabella1.Username.FldCaption %><%= Language.Phrase("FieldRequiredIndicator") %></span></td>
        <td<%= Tabella1.Username.CellAttributes %>>
<span id="el_Tabella1_Username" class="control-group">
<input type="text" data-field="x_Username" name="x_Username" id="x_Username" size="30" maxlength="255" placeholder="<%= Tabella1.Username.PlaceHolder %>" value="<%= Tabella1.Username.EditValue %>"<%= Tabella1.Username.EditAttributes %>>
<%= Tabella1.Username.CustomMsg %></td>
<% End If %>
<% If Tabella1.Password.Visible Then ' Password %>
    <tr id="r_Password">
        <td><span id="elh_Tabella1_Password"><%= Tabella1.Password.FldCaption %><%= Language.Phrase("FieldRequiredIndicator") %></span></td>
        <td<%= Tabella1.Password.CellAttributes %>>
<span id="el_c_Tabella1_Password" class="control-group">
<input type="text" data-field="x_Password" name="x_Password" id="x_Password" size="30" maxlength="255" placeholder="<%= Tabella1.Password.PlaceHolder %>" value="<%= Tabella1.Password.EditValue %>"<%= Tabella1.Password.EditAttributes %>>
<%= Tabella1.Password.CustomMsg %></td>
<% End If %>
<% If Tabella1.Password.Visible Then ' Password %>
    <tr id="r_c_Password">
        <td><span id="elh_c_Tabella1_Password"><%= Language.Phrase("Confirm") %>&nbsp;<%= Tabella1.Password.FldCaption %><%= Language.Phrase("FieldRequiredIndicator") %></span></td>
        <td<%= Tabella1.Password.CellAttributes %>>
<span id="el_c_Tabella1_Password" class="control-group">
<input type="text" data-field="c_Password" name="c_Password" id="c_Password" size="30" maxlength="255" placeholder="<%= Tabella1.Password.PlaceHolder %>" value="<%= Tabella1.Password.EditValue %>"<%= Tabella1.Password.EditAttributes %>>
<% End If %>
<% If Tabella1.zEmail.Visible Then ' Email %>
    <tr id="r_zEmail">
        <td><span id="elh_Tabella1_zEmail"><%= Tabella1.zEmail.FldCaption %><%= Language.Phrase("FieldRequiredIndicator") %></span></td>
        <td<%= Tabella1.zEmail.CellAttributes %>>
<span id="el_Tabella1_zEmail" class="control-group">
<input type="text" data-field="x_zEmail" name="x_zEmail" id="x_zEmail" size="30" maxlength="255" placeholder="<%= Tabella1.zEmail.PlaceHolder %>" value="<%= Tabella1.zEmail.EditValue %>"<%= Tabella1.zEmail.EditAttributes %>>
<%= Tabella1.zEmail.CustomMsg %></td>
<% End If %>
<% If Tabella1.Registrato_a_Sisal3F.Visible Then ' Registrato a Sisal? %>
    <tr id="r_Registrato_a_Sisal3F">
        <td><span id="elh_Tabella1_Registrato_a_Sisal3F"><%= Tabella1.Registrato_a_Sisal3F.FldCaption %></span></td>
        <td<%= Tabella1.Registrato_a_Sisal3F.CellAttributes %>>
<span id="el_Tabella1_Registrato_a_Sisal3F" class="control-group">
<% selwrk = ew_IIf(ew_ConvertToBool(Tabella1.Registrato_a_Sisal3F.CurrentValue), " checked=""checked""", "") %>
<label class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" data-field="x_Registrato_a_Sisal3F" name="x_Registrato_a_Sisal3F" id="x_Registrato_a_Sisal3F" value="1"<%= selwrk %><%= Tabella1.Registrato_a_Sisal3F.EditAttributes %>></label>
<%= Tabella1.Registrato_a_Sisal3F.CustomMsg %></td>
<% End If %>
<button class="btn btn-primary ewButton" name="btnAction" id="btnAction" type="submit"><%= Language.Phrase("RegisterBtn") %></button>

checkbox filed that doesn't update is x_Registrato_a_Sisal3F

Thanks for your feedback
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B4X founder
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FireBug or any similar tool can be very helpful in such cases.

You can see the request here:
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Thanks a lot Erel :) i have to check FireBug asap :)

First of all i add a char in feld name (i used x_Registrato_a_Sisal3Fl in the request instead of x_Registrato_a_Sisal3F)
and then i didn't understand which value x_Registrato_a_Sisal3F had to be (i tried "1" and "checked" but i had to use an integer 1 or 0 :) :) )

Thanks again for your help!!
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