I have coded a little chronometer showing milliseconds (the library Clocks doesn´t work with miliseconds). It works but It is a little bit slow and doesn´t count the correct time. This is the code:
is there any way to execute the timer_Tick event faster?
dim lbTIME as label
dim timer1. as timer
dim countSEC as long
dim countMM as long
timer1.initialize("Timer1", 1)
countSEC = 0
countMM = 0
sub timer1_Tick
countMM = countMM + 1
if (countMM = 100) then
countMM = 0
countSEC = countSEC + 1
end if
lbTIME.Text = NumberFormat(countSEC, 2, 0) & ":" & NumberFormat(countMM, 2, 0)
end if
is there any way to execute the timer_Tick event faster?