When you click on an item in the ListView the Value object returned contains a string array with the content of the whole row with all the colums according to the query.
In your case with SELECT * FROM you get the whole row (all columns) in return.
Thanks for your reply
What do you suggest I do then ?
I want to get the value of colum story in that table
can I use listview.AddTwoLines2 with dbutils.executelistview ?
It depends on what you want to show and what other value you want to use.
In this example: DBUtils.ExecuteListView(SQL, "SELECT ColX, ColY, ColID FROM news",Null, 0, ListNews, True)
ColX and ColY will be displayed in the ListView.
When clicking on an item in ListNews, you get in
Sub ListNews_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
Dim cols() as String
Dim ID As Int
cols = Value
' cols(0) -> content of ColX
' cols(1) -> content of ColY
ID = cols(2) ' content of ColID
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