here is my problem which stopped me:
I have base64 gziped string waiting on remote server. Download is ok. I got string on device. The problem is converting it to readable text (aka json)
I made also win mobile version which already works. I used next function to decompress string:
which returns json for parsing.
(string which I got on both device is the same (tested also with telnet so there are no differences)
Now let's go back to b4a:
I tried with two methods, both returned the same result, string with two � chars between each char. Of course json parser cannot parse that. s2 is the final string
Correct string would be: [{"ServerName":"GAIA","Url":...
But I got in both versions: [��{��"��S��e��r��v��e��r��N��a��m��e��"��:��"��G��A��I��A��"��,��"��U��r��l��"��:...
(I tried also with different encodings but then return is in chinese chars)
Thnx, tomot
here is my problem which stopped me:
I have base64 gziped string waiting on remote server. Download is ok. I got string on device. The problem is converting it to readable text (aka json)
I made also win mobile version which already works. I used next function to decompress string:
public static string Decompress(string s)
var bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(s);
using (var msi = new MemoryStream(bytes))
using (var mso = new MemoryStream())
using (var gs = new GZipStream(msi, CompressionMode.Decompress))
return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(mso.ToArray(), 0, (int)mso.Length);
(string which I got on both device is the same (tested also with telnet so there are no differences)
Now let's go back to b4a:
I tried with two methods, both returned the same result, string with two � chars between each char. Of course json parser cannot parse that. s2 is the final string
Dim decompressed() As Byte
Dim cs As CompressedStreams
Dim su As StringUtils
Dim s1 As String
Dim s2 As String
Dim b() As Byte
... ver 1
b = B64.DecodeStoB(s1)
decompressed = cs.DecompressBytes(b, "gzip")
s2 = BytesToString(decompressed, 0, decompressed.Length, "UTF8")
... ver 2
b = su.DecodeBase64(s1)
s2 = BytesToString(y, 0, y.Length, "UTF8")
But I got in both versions: [��{��"��S��e��r��v��e��r��N��a��m��e��"��:��"��G��A��I��A��"��,��"��U��r��l��"��:...
(I tried also with different encodings but then return is in chinese chars)
Thnx, tomot