hello everyone, I have a program with a spinner and EditText 3 1 for the name of a website, another for the user, another for your password in these EditText these data are inserted via a button and then memorize the all in one spinner through a dbsqilte, when I click on the spinner and I select one of the websites stored on EditText 3 must appear to be the name of the website, in the other edittetx the user, in the third EditText password, the problem I have and found that as soon as i enter a longer name on the first EditText, EditText in the user do not I see all the full numbers, see photos:
How can I always display correctly the user in the corresponding EditText?
How can I always display correctly the user in the corresponding EditText?
Sub splocale_ItemClick (Position As Int, Value As Object)
txtutser.Text = splocale.SelectedItem
Dim mk As Int
mk= txtutser.Text.IndexOf("ID")
txt1.Text=txtutser.Text.SubString2(mk + 3, txtutser.Text.Length)
Dim kk As Int
txt2.Text=txtutser.Text.SubString2(kk + 5, txtutser.Text.Length)
Dim DD As Int
DD = txtutser.Text.IndexOf("ID")
txt3.Text=txt1.Text.SubString2(DD - 5, txt1.Text.IndexOf("PASS"))
End Sub