I have been looking at NJDUDe's brilliant example of posting to facebook a picture. (http://www.b4x.com/forum/basic4andr...-tutorial-post-facebook-wall-via-b4a-app.html)
I have been having a go at adjusting this program to enable users to post actions. Here is what I have been looking at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/actions/
I have made an action which you can find here: OG Sample Object - Quantum - The Android Quantum Physics App
What I am aiming for it to read would be something like 'Neil collided a subatomic particle'.
The 'curl' request for this action goes as follows:
My problem is how should this be done in B4A. I have had a go with the HTTPUtils.Poststring and so forth but haven't had much success. How should I send of the request to the webservice so that It says 'Neil collided a subatomic particle? Looking at NJDUDE's example I think HTTPUtils is the way to go. Any thoughts as to what I should use?
I have been having a go at adjusting this program to enable users to post actions. Here is what I have been looking at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/actions/
I have made an action which you can find here: OG Sample Object - Quantum - The Android Quantum Physics App
What I am aiming for it to read would be something like 'Neil collided a subatomic particle'.
The 'curl' request for this action goes as follows:
curl -F 'access_token=AAAE7qT36QaUBAJavxohYWGynoyjYKG9OdN51Pcqgri97AZA6OLqnkjVfYZCctoItFJ22MD9dqjgJI4K4iEoRIPxKHb4qUskdkBWRsyF4sxyOeyEaq2' \
-F 'subatomic_particle=http://samples.ogp.me/347194882021262' \
My problem is how should this be done in B4A. I have had a go with the HTTPUtils.Poststring and so forth but haven't had much success. How should I send of the request to the webservice so that It says 'Neil collided a subatomic particle? Looking at NJDUDE's example I think HTTPUtils is the way to go. Any thoughts as to what I should use?