Android Question Firebase Dynamic Links


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I am setting up an existing app to use Firebase.

I seem to have analytics and crash reporting, admob, etc working.

However, I am trying to setup Dynamic Links so I can have potential clients open sections of the app.

When I try to test a link i receive the following message:

"This site can’t be reached
appname’s server DNS address could not be found.


The intent in the app is:

<activity android:name=".examplename" >
<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
android:host="my website name"
android:pathPrefix="/my module name"
android:scheme="http" />
android:host="my website name"
android:pathPrefix="/my module name"
android:scheme="https" />

The Link provided by the Dynamic Links section of the Firebase console shows:

Firebase-generated-Dynamic-Link-Domain/extension - where the extension I believe is a "shortcut link" to the module name in the app.

Then when I put the link provided by the Dynamic Links section of the Firebase console into a
"<a href " statement in a normal website [that uses the "my website name" domain] I get the above error.

I feel the error must be in the syntax of the link - can someone please set me straight.

Thank you.


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Licensed User
Longtime User
Manfred, thank you for your reply, however, I feel there may be a bit more to it than that.

For the purpose of making the enquiry I changed the domain name to "my website name" and the path prefix to "my module name". This was not in the app but in my query.

I have tried several more approaches this morning [ Australian time] and still receive the same result - so there is clearly something wrong.

Firstly to the intent.

I gather given your response that everything OTHER THAN the android:host and pathprefix is correct.

Now, specifically

A] What should be recorded for the android:host?

i] Is it the website that will contain the <a href> link to the page in the app? OR
ii] Is it the firebase console page?
iii] Is it the google play store page?

B] If it is the website wiith the link and that website is a subdomain do you just use the domain name or the full website address - ie "" OR ""

C] If that website has a page [where the link will be placed] do we also record the page that link is on in that host section?

D] is the path prefix supposed to be the module name in the app? Or
E] is the path prefix the link generated in the firebase console?

Secondly, to the link from the website to the app.

I intend using the Firebase Console Dynamic Link - what I have used to create the link URL is http://b4a.packagename/modulename. Can you please confirm this is the correct structure or should it be something different?

Thank you for your assistance.

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Licensed User
Longtime User
I cant really help on this as i dont setup an app using fb-dynamiclinks before.
What i can say is that there is a lib in google play services which needs to be wrapped. - Invites and Dynamic Links
I guess a wrap needs to be done for this

as seen here
more infos about it can be found

I´ve read somewhere on these pages that you need to have a dedicated domain for your app.
The domain must be dedicated to your specific app only... Using intentfilters will help to setup b4a (manifest) but without a wrapper for it will not work as expected i guess
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