I am setting up an existing app to use Firebase.
I seem to have analytics and crash reporting, admob, etc working.
However, I am trying to setup Dynamic Links so I can have potential clients open sections of the app.
When I try to test a link i receive the following message:
"This site can’t be reached
appname’s server DNS address could not be found.
The intent in the app is:
<activity android:name=".examplename" >
<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
android:host="my website name"
androidathPrefix="/my module name"
android:scheme="http" />
android:host="my website name"
androidathPrefix="/my module name"
android:scheme="https" />
The Link provided by the Dynamic Links section of the Firebase console shows:
Firebase-generated-Dynamic-Link-Domain/extension - where the extension I believe is a "shortcut link" to the module name in the app.
Then when I put the link provided by the Dynamic Links section of the Firebase console into a
"<a href " statement in a normal website [that uses the "my website name" domain] I get the above error.
I feel the error must be in the syntax of the link - can someone please set me straight.
Thank you.
I seem to have analytics and crash reporting, admob, etc working.
However, I am trying to setup Dynamic Links so I can have potential clients open sections of the app.
When I try to test a link i receive the following message:
"This site can’t be reached
appname’s server DNS address could not be found.
The intent in the app is:
<activity android:name=".examplename" >
<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
android:host="my website name"
androidathPrefix="/my module name"
android:scheme="http" />
android:host="my website name"
androidathPrefix="/my module name"
android:scheme="https" />
The Link provided by the Dynamic Links section of the Firebase console shows:
Firebase-generated-Dynamic-Link-Domain/extension - where the extension I believe is a "shortcut link" to the module name in the app.
Then when I put the link provided by the Dynamic Links section of the Firebase console into a
"<a href " statement in a normal website [that uses the "my website name" domain] I get the above error.
I feel the error must be in the syntax of the link - can someone please set me straight.
Thank you.