Hi guys,
I havethese codes :
Cursor returns 3 rows, for the first column, it runs ok, the next rows raised an error :
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: The result set is closed
Did I missed something here? It seem that somehow the command ExecNonQuery closed the cursor, so it is only success for first row.
Thanks in advance.
I havethese codes :
Cursor = Sql.ExecQuery("select * from table where tag = 'N' )
Do While Cursor.NextRow
Id = Cursor.GetInt("ID")
do some process
Sql.ExecNonQuery("update table set tag = 'Y' where id = " & Id)
org.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBSQLException: The result set is closed
Did I missed something here? It seem that somehow the command ExecNonQuery closed the cursor, so it is only success for first row.
Thanks in advance.