I am working on an application which interfaces a sensor via the serial port.
The sensor transmits it's data in the IEEE-745 4 byte floating point format. I've read up on the IEEE-745 spec, and I understand that it gives 1 sign bit, 8 exponent bits, and 23 bits for the numeric data.
So I have com with the sensor with the On Com event firing and my 4 byte data coming in nicely. I am able to convert the data to a binary string and display the bits on the screen using the Bitwise library.
Is there a method for converting this binary data into a useful floating point decimal number?
The sensor transmits it's data in the IEEE-745 4 byte floating point format. I've read up on the IEEE-745 spec, and I understand that it gives 1 sign bit, 8 exponent bits, and 23 bits for the numeric data.
So I have com with the sensor with the On Com event firing and my 4 byte data coming in nicely. I am able to convert the data to a binary string and display the bits on the screen using the Bitwise library.
Is there a method for converting this binary data into a useful floating point decimal number?