full screen -with- menus?


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Is there any way to have full screen with menus?

I appreciate there's a way to have title bar showing in full screen mode, but the reverse?

Seems awfully clunky to have to recreate menus out of buttons in panels or something to be able to have menus in fullscreen mode.

Then there's the problem of trying to get the position for one's fake menus, form1.height seems to report the original height of the form, and while one can guess that taking away the title bar and menus probably adds 50px to the screen size, I bet it won't work for everyone.


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use softkey

Sorry but after getting into it, it is apparently not supported by the OS.

i have similar needs. can we use full screen, then use softkey to switch back to non-full screen to see the menu, just like the full screen function of Pocket IE?


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Hi Erel,

Has Formlib.Fullscreen(false) any action ? It does not seem so.
The only way to close Fullsreen is to close the program!...





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Has Formlib.Fullscreen(false) any action ? It does not seem so.
Yes, on the device it removes the bottom menu strip but leaves the top title bar so that you can close the form. Called with True it removes both menu and title.

The only way to close Fullsreen is to close the program
If you have removed the title bar then you need a button or some other control to call Form.close. Unfortunately once a form is in one of the full screen modes there seems to be no way of normalizing it. Closing and then showing it again seems to bring it back fullscreen which is a bit of a pain.


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No Fullscreen(false), has NO action...
STill there is no need to close the app to return to normal screen,, just use another form, as fulscreen is a form related/dependent command


Licensed User
Longtime User
No Fullscreen(false), has NO action...
STill there is no need to close the app to return to normal screen,, just use another form, as fulscreen is a form related/dependent command

Sorry cable guy but it does exactly what I said, and what the help says, on my device at least. I just coded it and tried it to make sure before I posted. I always try to make a bit of code do what I am saying before posting to make sure what I am saying is correct. I've just tried again - its' still working for me.


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On MY PPC (ipaq 2490), I repeat Fullscreen(false) has no action.




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On MY PPC (ipaq 2490), I repeat Fullscreen(false) has no action
That is very strange because on my Axim X30 it behaves exactly as I said and as documented in the help. The code inside Formlib looks like this

Public Sub FullScreen(ByVal RemoveTitle As Boolean)
Me.frm.Menu = Nothing
If RemoveTitle Then
Me.frm.MaximizeBox = False
Me.frm.MinimizeBox = False
Me.frm.ControlBox = False
Me.frm.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
Me.frm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
End If
End Sub

I notice that your device is probably running WM 5.0 whereas mine runs 2003SE. It look as though removing the menu on WM 5.0 may also remove everything else as well whereas it doesn't on 2003SE. This code also explains why you can't get back from full screen. Once the menu reference is set to Nothing then a menu object would need to be rebuilt and the information isn't readily availabe in B4PPC to to this.