This code returns the SHA-1 hash of the signing key certificate used to sign the APK.
It is the same value that you can see under Tools - Private Sign Key:
You can use it to test whether someone has rebuilt your app and signed it with his own key.
It depends on: JavaObject, Encryption and ByteConverter libraries.
Tags: apk signature, sha-1, hash
It is the same value that you can see under Tools - Private Sign Key:

You can use it to test whether someone has rebuilt your app and signed it with his own key.

Sub GetSignatureHash As String
Dim jo As JavaObject
Dim signatures() As Object = jo.RunMethodJO("getPackageManager", Null).RunMethodJO("getPackageInfo", _
Array (Application.PackageName, 0x00000040)).GetField("signatures")
Dim sig As JavaObject = signatures(0)
Dim md As MessageDigest
Dim hash() As Byte = md.GetMessageDigest(sig.RunMethod("toByteArray", Null), "SHA-1")
Dim bc As ByteConverter
Dim raw As String = bc.HexFromBytes(hash)
Dim sb As StringBuilder
For i = 0 To raw.Length - 2 Step 2
sb.Append(raw.CharAt(i)).Append(raw.CharAt(i + 1)).Append(":")
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, sb.Length)
Return sb.ToString
End Sub
It depends on: JavaObject, Encryption and ByteConverter libraries.
Tags: apk signature, sha-1, hash