There are situations where we change the panel colors, like when the user select its own color, and we dont know if the text of the labels will be seen. Commonly we define black or white for text color according to the background color.
The code below can be used for that:
as an example:
In this example you can change pan.color to any desired color and the text will be always in a high contrast, based on the panels color. It will show up black or white.
The ContrastColor makes an adjustment considering that the green color is better perceived.
have fun.
EDIT: Corrected an error on the function thanks to klaus!
The code below can be used for that:
' decopose Color value to ARGB values
Sub GetARGB(Color As Int) As Int()
Dim res(4) As Int
res(0) = Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.AND(Color, 0xff000000), 24)
res(1) = Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.AND(Color, 0xff0000), 16)
res(2) = Bit.UnsignedShiftRight(Bit.AND(Color, 0xff00), 8)
res(3) = Bit.AND(Color, 0xff)
Return res
End Sub
' Return the High Contract color (black or white) according to the selected color for background
Sub ContrastColor(C As Int) As Int
Dim d As Int
Dim a As Double
Dim argb() As Int
argb = GetARGB(C)
a = 1 - ( 0.299 * argb(1) + 0.587 * argb(2) + 0.114 * argb(3))/255
If a < 0.5 Then
d = 0 ' bright Colors - black font
d = 255 ' dark Colors - white font
End If
Return Colors.RGB(d, d, d)
End Sub
as an example:
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim pan As Panel
pan.Color = Colors.Blue
Dim lbl As Label
lbl.TextColor = ContrastColor(pan.Color)
lbl.Text = "you will aways see me"
pan.AddView(lbl, 1, 1, 200dip, 30dip)
Activity.AddView(pan, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
end sub
In this example you can change pan.color to any desired color and the text will be always in a high contrast, based on the panels color. It will show up black or white.
The ContrastColor makes an adjustment considering that the green color is better perceived.
have fun.
EDIT: Corrected an error on the function thanks to klaus!
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